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Season 2 episode 1
"The Guilty Blood"

     No one had seen of heard from the twins since they called Alec

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No one had seen of heard from the twins since they called Alec. Truthfully they were worried, but they knew the pair could handle their own so they weren't frantic yet.

Although, Tommy was pacing and Ronnie was trying figure out how to save Jace. "This is insane, shouldn't we tell someone where Valentine is?"

Ronnie shook her head. "The moment we do they go after him, by now the clave considers Jace a traitor and we have to get him out of there before we let them go after Valentine."

"We could just tell them Jace is innocent." Tommy suggested as he threw himself down onto the seat. The pair were currently seated in a small corner cafe, no one was in there except the workers and lets be honest, they all thought the twins were high as hell.

Ronnie sighed. "The clave doesn't listen to anyone, they barely listen to me. We have to get Jace first."

Tommy went to say something but quickly stopped when he saw someone staring at them. "That man, he's watching us."

Ronnie looked out the window to find Gabriel watching them with an amused smile. "Dont worry, he's harmless." She motioned for him to come inside. "Tommy, things are about to get a little weird for you."


"Ah! Veronica, Thomas. My favorite god children." Gabriel clapped his hands.

Tommy scrunched his brows. "Godchildren?"

Gabriel looked over to Ronnie. "Wow, I'm hurt. Didn't even tell him about me. That hurts."

"Look, Jace is with Valentine and we cant tell the clave because they will go in full force and probably kill him. So, what can we do?" Ronnie stood up.

Gabriel nodded, he placed a finger to his chin. "Well i can teach you how to use your powers if that will help. It might take a while though."

"Then lets do it." Veronica grabbed Tommys hand and pulled him up.

"Well then, lets go we have a lot of work to do."

"I'm sorry, we have powers?" Tommy said before Gabriel portaled them to an open field god knows where. There was a little house miles away, if you squinted your eyes you could see it.

"Yes you do, you're welcome by the way. That was all me. Your parents needed help..."

19 years ago...

"Gabriel please." Mark followed after the archangel.

"We dont even know if this will work. You want me to give your itty bitty unborn children my grace knowing well enough it could kill me?" Gabriel walked down the hall of the palace.

Mark nodded. "Its the only chance we've got. They're dying. And they need some life force to keep them going."

The pair walked into the bedroom Christi resided in. She was pale, almost snow white. "Christi." Gabriel smiled at her. "Dont you look horrible."

Christi smiled. "Wow thanks G, really appreciate it."

"Gabriel you have to, its our only hope." Mark pleaded.

Gabriel sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. But you two owe me. And if i die, take care of my cat. His name is Sammy."

And so the process began. Gabriel took some of his grace and gave a little to each twin. And as weeks went on Christi got better, she wasnt pale and she was eating. It worked.


"Okay so you're telling me we have your grace inside of us and that causes us to have superpowers?" Tommy concluded. During Gabriels story Ronnie found herself sitting criss cross on the ground while Tommy paced.


"So what even are my powers? I mean Ronnie knows hers she's used them before. But me? Hell no, i'm just an ordinary kid okay?" Tommy picked at his nails, Ronnie knew he was panicking.

"Tommy." Ronnie caught his attention. Her brother looked down at her and sighed. He plopped himself next to her and laid his head on the girls shoulder. "You have a power, we just have to figure out what it is."

"Actually." Gabriel cut in. "I know what it is. And i also know that Veronica hasn't reached the full extent of her power. That little card act was only the beginning." Both twins listened intently. "Tommy, you have to power to control fire, or create it with your mind. Its simple really, just think about it and its there."

"Uh huh." Tommy nodded. "That's actually kinda cool."

Ronnie chuckled and allowed Gabriel to keep talking. "Veronica, you have to power to move objects, weather its through time and space or just right in front of you. Its how you got the cup out of the card."

Tommy's mouth dropped. "Wait so does that mean she can make me fly? Cause that would be awesome. Oh! Imagine how much easier dusting would be."

Gabriel tilted his head slightly. "Thats a great imagination you've got kid. Keep it." Tommy smiled proudly. "Anyway, who wants to go first."

"I say Tommy, i've already used my power a couple times." Ronnie shoved Tommy forward so he fell face first to the ground.

"Ow." He groaned as he stood up.

Gabriel shook his head. "Just think about it, think about the fire coursing through you and turn it into a real object."

It took him a couple tries but eventually there was a ball of fire resting in the boys hands. "Ronnie look! I did it!"

"I see, I'm proud of you Tommy." Ronnie smiled at him.

Gabriel practiced with the boy a little more before it was Ronnie's turn. "Veronica its easy. Just think about it."

Ronnie nodded and focused her mind on Gabriel. She thought about making him fly into the air. She thought about how maybe letting him fly will make her problems go away. Maybe they would all disappear.

"Ronnie this is not what i meant!" Ronnie looked up to see Gabriel in the air. She hadnt even noticed he wasnt right in front of her.

"Oops sorry!" She used her mind to drop him to the ground. Gabriel looked like a starfish when he landed. Meanwhile Tommy was laughing his ass off.

"Ronnie." Gabriel groaned in annoyance.

"That was awesome!" Tommy gave his sister a high five as their teacher stood up.

"Okay." Gabriel cracked his neck slightly. "Now we practice together. Both of you are going to take on me." He smirked as both twins widened their eyes.


Ella Speaks!

Do you like Tommy's power? Honestly i wanted to give him the power to manipulate light and stuff but i want Clary to still have her rune power so they would clash and i dont want that. So i went with fire. Also i honestly kinda wanna see Tommy light someones ass on fire for fun. Anywho, hoped you like it.

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