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Pogo exhaled on his cigarette looking at a shocked Robyn and a mellow Five.

"I don't tattoo kids." He said turning back to his client. Robyn laughed crossing her arms.

"Swell. We're not here for the ink." Five replied "I'm here because you and I have a mutual friend. Sir Reginald Hargreeves."

"Whatever he wants I'm not interested" Pogo tells Five. He looks up "I said no girl!" Five looks to his left seeing his fiance is no longer next to him. He looks up to see Robyn sliding a man a 20 but scoffs taking it back and standing next to Five.

"Robyn." he scolded her.

"What?" She laughs "Look I don't think you understand. We're his children. From the future."

"Another timeline?" Pogo looks at the girl before chuckling. Robyn started to walk towards the two but stopped at a group of men standing in front of her.

"Grab her." One said. Robyn put her hands up

"Do not touch me! I'm wearing a designer shirt" She whined stomping her foot. One guy grabs her arm and she whips it away "Get your pervy hand off me you freak!"
"As crazy as it sounds, we've met before." Five cautiously continued "Back in 1963, when you were a diaper wearing chimp in dire need of a manicure."

"He has a scar to prove it." Robyn said still staring at the group of men surrounding her

"If what you two are saying is true I'd be talking to people well into their sixties."

"We age beautifully don't we." Robyn smirked

"If you'll excuse me, I've had a very long day." Pogo said walking to the exit

"Pogo you need to listen to me!" Five began but was cut off by another group of men walking towards him.

"Time to go home to Mommy lil boy. Don't worry. We'll take care of the girl." One told him. Five's gaze became cold as he stared at the man ready to hurt him.

"Or I can take care of myself." Robyn said both her hands held up infront of her as she lifted them all up and slamming them down.

"I'll take the girl." Five muttered the groaning men. He grabbed Robyn's hand and spacial jumping the two of them outside the bar. They took a few steps watching pogo leave.

"Damn it." Robyn kicked a bike but hunched her knee back holding her toe "Fuck!"

"Hey, I need your bike. It's an emergency." Five told some random dude

"Think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit." The man responded. He was levitated into air and grabbing at his neck as if a rope was choking him. Five turned seeing Robyn holding her hand up high with a smirk.

"Oh your too kind. Thanks!" She smiled hopping on the back "Let's go my love." Five smirked getting on the front and starting it up. Robyn's hands were wrapped around Five's waist and her head resting on his shoulder.

"Do you think Pogo is like the monkey version of Eminem?" She asked

"The candy?" Five asked confused

"No the rapper." Robyn corrected

"He looks like a wrapper?" Five asled

"Oh honey I have a lot to teach you." She said

Birds chirped as Five pulled into the trailer parking spot. He parked the bike helping Robyn off. A trashy looking woman was sitting on a couch outside smoking and reading.

"Can I help you?" She asked

"Can I help you? That outfit is atrocious." Robyn said

"You watch your mouth young lady or I'll-"

"Need a word with Pogo." Five interrupted

"Ain't no Pogo here pumpkin."

"Okay." Five said, his hand on Robyn's lower back guiding her into the trailer but the woman blocked them

"So I suggest you get your ass off my property before I call an officer." She said looking at Robyn

"It's okay Tammy. Let the children in." Pogo finally spoke. Robyn stuck her nose in the hair letting out a hum as she pulled Five into the trailer. The two walked in and it wasn't bad. The sound of a gun caught the two off gaurd.

"You two are either dumb or desperate. Which is it?"

"You tell me." Five muttered slapping the skin slab onto the table

"It looks like my work, but I never did that tattoo." Pogo looked at it

"Not yet, you haven't" Five muttered "I cut it off my 100-year-old self"

"Ah, so desperate it is."

"In our defense you would be too if you knew the entire universe was gonna go kaboom!" Robyn said

"So it's happened." Pogo said "You remind me a lot of one of the-"

"Sparrows?" Robyn sat down across from him. Pogo nodded he de-cocked the gun and began to dig through a box behind the table. He pulled out a book and set it down in front of Robyn.

"Here it is. Look familiar." Robyn reached for the book studying the drawing. She flipped the the next page and her eyes went wide as the headache returned, a whispering voice in latin could be heard in her head and it felt eerie. But once again it was like her body fought back.

"Are you alright?" Pogo asked. Robyn looked to see Five now sitting next to her.

"I'm alright."

"Reggie was obsessed with these symbols." Pogo told her "It's a sigil. A symbol thought to have powers. A symbol guarded by the Crimson Witch."

"Who is she?" Robyn asked curious

"No one knows." Pogo said "Reginald always reffered to her by that named and had this plan he called 'Project Oblivion'"

"This project. We need to know more." Five ordered

"It was a kamikaze mission" Pogo began "He was preparing the Sparrow children with the expectation they might never return. That's why I gave the children those pills. To keep them safe from him."

"Well our druggie brother just got him sober. Go figure."

"Then Project Oblivion is starting again and you are all in danger." Pogo told them and Robyn winced again.

"Is something wrong?" Pogo asked

"No, I'm fine sorry."

"Well," Five spoke "I should probably get that ink. Complete the loop"
"Well then let's get started." Five walked over taking off his tie, vest, and shirt. Robyn stared in awe walking over and placing her hand on his cheek.

"Are you two?" Pogo looked at her ring

"Unfourtently." Robyn joked. Five it her hand "Kidding!"

Pogo finished quickly and left Robyn and Five to have a second. She helped rebutton his shirt, vest, and tie his tie. She looked at him with a delicate smile and he leaned in connecting their lips. She had her hand on the side of his face and he had the same. The two pulled away with a smile and a laugh.

"Ready." The two said goodbye to Tammy and Pogo. They headed out of the trailer and back onto the bike driving back to the hotel. 

The Umbrella Academy (Five Hargreeves x OC)Where stories live. Discover now