Extra Ordinary

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5 Years Ago

Vanya walked up to a shop and right in the window were the comics for the academy. Her siblings animated selves were plasted on the cover fighting the bad guys. Vanya, annoyed, walked into the store and took the type writer that was behind them.

"My name is Vanya Hargreeves, and this is my story." Vanya works day and night writing the book and ends up sending it to a pusblisher

"We were never a real family. We were our father's creation, family in name -"

"And smile." The photographer says

"- but not in fact."

"In the end, after our brother Ben had died, there was really nothing connecting us. We were just strangers living under the same roof" She says reading to a group of people

"destined to be alone" Luther does push ups while reading the book

"starved for attention" Allison sits in her makeup trailer getting ready for her next scene while reading

"damaged by our upbringing" Diego has taped the cover to a boxing bag and rapidly punches it.

"Oh, my God. She wrote that? - I can't believe she would do that." Ben says looking over Klaus's shoulder

"Shh!" Klaus shuhes him

Robyn sits in her room flipping through the pages. She lands on one page in particular and glares at it angrily before tossing it out the window

"Oh what the hell?" A voice from down below yells

"and haunted by what might have been. We all wanted to be loved by a man incapable of giving love." Five sits in the apocalyptic world reading the book. Looking back at Delores and back at the book.

"Our father never missed an opportunity to remind me that I was ordinary. A hard thing for a little girl to hear" Reginald looks at the book Vanya had sent. Closes it and places it on his bookshelf.

"If you're raised to believe nothing about you is special," bookstore owner places a 50% sign in front of her books

"if the benchmark is extraordinary, what do you do if you're not?" She finishes reading in front of a small group of people.


Five sits in his bedroom trying to switch up the bullet would he got. Robyn passes his room and looks through the door softly knocking.

"Hey." she softly smiles. He looks up at her smiling.


"Do you want help?" She asks. He nods. She walks over taking the needle. "Just take like a deep breath." Five inhailes and then winces as she begins to sew the hole closed. "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Your fine." He mutters. She finishes and walks away before coming back with a wet wash cloth to clean off the blood. She opens the box of bandaids and places one on his shoulder.

"I'll get you a clean shirt." She says walking to his drawer and grabbing a clean white button down and handing it to him. He puts it on and she hands him his tie, vest, and blazer.

"Do you want to join me?" he asks holding out his hand. She smiles grabbing it. He leads her over to the window and the two climb out onto the fire escape.

"Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?" Klaus yell sitting in a dumpster

"Can we go see a movie or something? Or the ocean?" Ben asks

"Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

"I'll go first." Five smiles

The Umbrella Academy (Five Hargreeves x OC)Where stories live. Discover now