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"Marie?" Robyn asked with teary eyes

"In the flesh." She smiled sitting down at the table. Robyn followed sitting across from her. "American food sucks but I do love mac and cheese."

"Didn't it originate in Northern Europe?" Robyn asked. Marie looked at her confused.

"Really? Huh? Who would've known."

"C-can I help you?" Robyn asked

"Yeah actually. How are you still alive and why aren't you living in the Sparrow Academy?" Marie asked

"Cause I'm not your Robyn. I mean Eloise? My given name back in my timeline is Robyn." She tells her

"I like it." Marie winked "But what do you mean?"
"I'm from another universe. Another timeline that was about to be destroyed by an impending apocalypse and so to save the world we had to travel back in time but ended up going to far back in time to the 1960's and we completely messed it up and ended up traveling back to the future only to find out Hargreeves adopted a completely different set of children because of how bad me and my siblings were and now the world is ending and I'm just finding out that I'm the only one who exists in this timeline."
"That was a lot. But you don't exist anymore. That's why when I got wind of you being here I had to come find you."
"What do you mean?"
"You went missing 17 years ago." Marie said with teary eyes. "Hargreeves bought you from mom when we were seven and when she wouldn't give you up he killed her leaving me stranded. I never understood why until I watched you everyday. You were a danger to this world. You became so obssesed with dark magic and one day you disappeared. The only thing I had left was gone."

"I'm so sorry." Robyn said
"It's okay. Just seeing you has brought me joy. My other half." Marie reached her hand out and Robyn placed her hand into Marie's.

"Did you ever have...powers?" Robyn asked

"Yeah actually. Took me a long time to figure it out though. I can create force fields and turn invisible. Kind of lame but-"
"No. It's cool." Robyn smiled. "I'm glad you came to find me."
"Me too."

The Umbrella Academy (Five Hargreeves x OC)Where stories live. Discover now