The Seven Stages

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Robyn had told Luther that she needed a second. He only had nodded at her in response as he went off the get an agry Five. She was currently walking down the streets of Dallas. Her finger tips feeling hot. She stormed into the diner where she had met Wanda. Robyn gracefully walked over to the counter where a young boy was working.

"Hi, I was just wondering if Wanda was working today?" Robyn smiles politely

"She's not. Can I take a message for when she is?"

"Just tell her Robyn was looking for her." Robyn smiles before walking out and running down the side walk. She wasn't really sure where she wanted to go she just knew she needed to get out. As she was running something caught her eye. A box wrapped in a dusty red paper. She carefully walked over opening it up. Not caring who it was for. It was a book. A pretty old book. It had looked like the pages had been burt and the cover had an ashy coat. She picked it up flipped through the pages as she stood when in her hands it turned to dust, but it stayed a float, absorbing into her hands as her eyes glowed red and her fingers became grey.

Back at Elliot's, Luther began pacing outside of the bathroom looking for Robyn to calm Five down. But he didn't see her anywhere. He looked back at the door when a hand grabbed his shoulder. He jumped to look at the person holding his hands out to fight, but took a sigh seeing Robyn.

"Hey.." He said "I don't know whats wrong with Five."

"What happened?" Robyn asked the two walked over to the kitchen seeing Five chugging a thing of water. The two looked at him disturbed and confused.
"Five?" Luther said trying to get his attention.

"What the hell are you doing?" Robyn asks

"I'm gonna need to be hydrated." Five says shoving the bottle back into the fridge

"Hydrated?" Luther repeated confused. They both watched as Five walked over to the kitchen table and began to pour baby powder down his shirt.

"What's with the baby powder?" Luther asked looking at Robyn

"It'll help with the itching." Five answered pouring some powder down his pants before jumping. The baby powder flying out of his clothes as he did so.

"What itching? Since when is there itching?" Robyn asks as Five walked over making the gap between Robyn and Luther bigger and stomping into the Luther.
"You do have a plan." Luther states, eyes wide

"Well, it's a desperation move, but..." Five threw on his blazer "Since our brain dead siblings are incapable of meeting a simple dead line, I got no choice."
"No choice about what?" Luther asks

"I have to find myself." Five says pulling out a watch to check the time and then closing it "I just arrived in Dallas 15 minutes ago."

"Yeah now is not the time for soul searching Five." Robyn said

"Robyn, Luther, if you recall, I was sent to 1963 on a job by the Commission to make sure the president was assasinated." Robyn's eyes went wide

"So your old self is old there?"

"Precisely." Five replied rolling his head

"What? Just walking around Dallas?" Luther asked

"Walking around Dallas with a briefcase."

"Five your a genius."

"However, there are two significant problems with this plan." Robyn looked at him "Problem number one: I am a trained assassin, arguably the most dangerous assasin in the sapce-time continum, If I know me, I'm not going to react kindly to bumping into myself. Problem number two, and this is a real fly in the ointment here: you're not supposed to exist in close proximity to yourself in the same timeline. The side affects can be disastrous."

The Umbrella Academy (Five Hargreeves x OC)Where stories live. Discover now