The Day That Was

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"On the seventh hour of the first day of October, 1989, a woman went into labor."

"Mr. Jenkins, meet your son." A nurse smiles handing the man his child

"This was unusual in no way whatsoever. The culmination of a normal, average pregnancy."

"Harold." Mr. Jenkins smiled

"The child was average in every way. Unfortunately for the world, the circumstances of his raising were anything but."

"Code! Get a crash cart in here now" One nurse yells as a loud beeping overtakes the room.

"BP 80 over 30, she's coding." The other said running to Mrs. Jenkins side.


"Help, Harold." A boy around the age of twelve sits under his dining room table playing with Umbrella Academy action figures. "Help us. Worry not, Umbrella Academy. I'll save you from the evil Doctor Terminal." he walks over to the other action figures and knocks them off saying "Bang! Bang!" the keys to the door jingle and in walks Harold's father.

"Harold, put away those stupid dolls and get me a beer." His father demands. Harold quickly picks up the figures and runs to the kitchen. "And hurry up about it!" He places the beer on the counter and picks up a copy of an Umbrella Academy book. Flipping to the back where all the academy kids were on the back along with Reginald Hagreeves. The text read 'Limited Edition Sir Reginald Hargreeves.' Harold flips through the book unknowingly as his father comes up behind him. Harold turns around and his father slaps him. Harold runs to the attic where all his Umbrella Academy merchandise is set up. He carefully stitches a patch onto a jacket he makes. Finishing up his homemade uniform he packs a suitcase and sets out.

The next day a crowd of fans stands outside the academy, waiting for the kids and Reginald to arrive. Harold makes his way through the crowd quickly.

"They're coming! I think I see their car!" A women yells

"I see them! I see the car!" The car pulls up and Reginald gets out of the driver seat. Luther out of the passenger seat. Klaus, Robyn, Allison, Ben, and Diego out the back.

"Spaceboy! My favorite!"

"Nightmare Witch!" Someone yells holding up a sign. Harold places his suitcase on the otherside of the barricade and as the kids start to pass he climbs over grabbing Robyn's arm. She jerks towards him.

"Hey!" She shouts.

"Excuse me. I'm your biggest fan." Harold tells Robyn

"Hey, hey. You're not supposed to be in here." Luther says to Harold

"Robyn!" Diego yells walking over and grabbing her and taking her inside. Luther following.

"Get back behind the barricade!" Reginald says

"It's just I was born on the same day as the Academy kids. I think I'm like them. I must be. I haven't quite figured out what my power is yet. But maybe with your help, we can find out." Harold says

"You have no power. You never will have power. Now, go home." Reginald points his staff

"No, please. Just- you have to let me stay. I came all this way. Please don't make me go back." Harold begs

"A little word of advice, my boy. Not everyone in this world can be powerful." Reginald grabs Harold's jacket pushing him towards the street "Chasing something unattainable is a recipe for a lifetime of disappointment and resentment. So get off my property." With that the academy never saw him again.

The Umbrella Academy (Five Hargreeves x OC)Where stories live. Discover now