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"Dude, what's wrong with me?" Puck asked Finn when they returned home from work. "I've been surrounded by milfs and cougars all day long and I can't stop thinking about Quinn."

"Have you talked to her?" Finn wondered.

"Not since she left." Puck shook his head. "And I know she's been busy seeing her mom and with school starting up again, but..."

"Maybe you need to go on a real date." Finn suggested. "You know, get over her by getting under someone else."

"Maybe." Puck nodded. "But I don't get it, why do I always get so hung up on her?"

"Because you lo-"

"Don't say it." Puck cut Finn off. "I'm gonna go shower and then we should find the girls and get food."

"Found Santana." Finn noted as she came down the stairs.

"I thought I heard you guys." Santana stated. "I have good news."

"Your mom's paying our rent for the rest of our lives?" Puck asked.

"No." Santana muttered. "I got you a gig."

"A gig?" Puck said. "As in playing music somewhere?"

"Yeah." Santana nodded. "Mercedes helped."

"Are you serious?" Puck asked.

Santana smiled happily. "You're booked for Friday night, original music and covers."

"Puck, that's incredible." Finn noted. "Congratulations."

"The good news doesn't stop there." Santana said. "Finn, remember that day I forced you to make all those audition tapes?"

"Yeah." Finn muttered.

"You got a callback for an in-person audition for a play." Santana announced. "The audition is in two days, and if they like you, you're in."

Finn looked at Santana.

"I know it's not a lead role in a movie or a TV show or anything, but it'll help build your résumé." Santana pointed out. "And eventually, you won't have to go on auditions and you'll just be offered parts."

"Wow." Finn said. "This is really cool, Santana, thanks."

Santana smiled as Finn walked away.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Puck asked.

"I can't do something nice?" Santana responded, folding her arms.

"You can, but you don't." Puck noted.

"There's no catch." Santana promised.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow, suspicious of Santana, but didn't say anything else.

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