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"Hey." Finn said as Puck entered the living room.

"Hey." Puck responded. "How was your first night here?"

"It was good." Finn noted. "How was your cigarette?"

"I was trying to help you with Christine." Puck stated.

"Where'd you disappear to?" Finn wondered.

"I pulled out my little black book." Puck answered with a smirk. "How'd it go?"

"Christine was pretty cool." Finn noted. "After you left, Roxi came back, and the three of us talked a lot."

"Talked?" Puck repeated, disappointed.

"Yeah." Finn said. "Roxi kinda hates you, but I told her you probably didn't want a relationship with her because of Quinn and-"

"You told her that?" Puck cut Finn off.

"Y-Yeah." Finn stuttered. "But she didn't know who Quinn was."

"Did you tell her?" Puck questioned Finn.

"No." Finn lied.

"Finn." Puck said.

"It was an accident!" Finn exclaimed. "I was trying to explain why you're..."

"What?" Puck wondered when Finn trailed off.

"Nothing." Finn shook his head. "Look, I'm sorry. You know when I drink I-"

"Talk too much?" Puck finished. "Yeah, I blame Rachel for that."

"Can we not talk about Rachel?" Finn requested. "I haven't talked to her since that day at the train station. She doesn't know I'm home. Well, out of the Army."

"No one else knows?" Puck wondered.

"Just you." Finn confirmed.

Puck nodded slowly. "I get it."

Finn nodded back.

"Since you're my best friend, I'll forgive you for telling Roxi about Quinn." Puck decided. "She and Christine and the other girls already know about Beth."

"They do?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, I have pictures in my wallet and on my phone and stuff." Puck replied. "But I don't wanna talk about Quinn."

"Why not?" Finn wondered. "I thought you said things were good between you two."

"I lied." Puck admitted.

"What happened?" Finn wondered.

"I told her I wanted to be with her." Puck said. "I asked her to come to L.A. with me."

"And what'd she say?" Finn questioned Puck.

"She told me it wasn't fair to ask her to pick me over Yale, especially after everything she's been through." Puck explained.

"You left a few days after graduation." Finn noted. "She didn't visit at all before she went to move in at Yale?"

"I haven't heard from her since." Puck informed Finn.

"Well, have you texted or called her?" Finn asked.

"No." Puck shook his head. "I figured I'd give her space and she'd text me when she was ready."

"Well, maybe she's just busy with school." Finn suggested.

"It's cool." Puck promised. "I'm getting over her anyway."

"By getting under other girls." Finn grinned.

"Under and over." Puck smirked. "Look, I know you and Quinn are close, but if you guys talk, just leave me out of it, okay?"

"Okay." Finn promised. "And I'm sorry that I told Roxi about her."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Puck responded. "Listen, I'm starving. Let's go eat and then we can talk about work and stuff."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

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