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"Hi, Beth!" Puck exclaimed. "I'm here with Mommy."

"Hi, Daddy. Hi, Mama Kin." Beth replied.

"I didn't mean to yell at you the other day, princess. I'm so sorry." Puck apologized. "And I'm sorry I didn't get to see you when you had off from school."

"Okay, Daddy." Beth told Puck, forgiving him.

"Thank you." Puck responded, looking at Quinn. He paused to give her a chance to speak, but continued when she didn't. "I heard you're staying up late tonight."

"Yeah." Beth said. "TV and PJs."

"Sounds like fun, B." Puck noted.

"What you doing?" Beth wondered.

"Mommy and Daddy are at a party with some of our friends." Puck answered, looking at Quinn again. "We just wanted to take a break to call and tell you we miss you and we love you."

"Wuv you." Beth echoed. "Where Mama Kin?"

"She's here." Puck said as he gently squeezed Quinn's hand and offered her the phone. "You wanna say hi?"

"Y-Yeah." Quinn stuttered as she took the phone.

"I'll give you some space." Puck decided.

"Okay." Quinn said.

Puck left the room, closing the door behind him before returning downstairs. He froze when he saw Finn, Sam, and Artie with a bunch of the girls, including Roxi.

Puck ignored the group and went to the drink table, where Santana was making herself another drink.

"You finally lost, huh?" Puck asked.

"Sam and Jake cheated." Santana insisted.

Puck smirked as he made himself a drink. "So."

Santana looked at Puck.

"You sure you're gonna be able to stay here with Brittany so far away?" Puck wondered.

"Yeah." Santana said. "I'm gonna visit her whenever I can, and I'll keep myself busy with work."

"Work?" Puck repeated.

"I'm gonna figure things out, but in the meantime, I'm gonna help you and Finn." Santana decided.

Puck nodded slowly as he poured two shots. "To adulthood."

"And fame." Santana added, taking the shot with Puck. She put the shot glass down and scanned the room. "So who are you avoiding?"

"See that blonde girl by Finn?" Puck asked.

"Big tits?" Santana wondered.

"Yeah." Puck said. "That's Roxi. That's the girl I've been hooking up with. The one who wants a relationship."

"Right." Santana nodded. "You gonna kiss her at midnight?"

"No." Puck shook his head. "I didn't even invite her. Christine said she was working."

"I could kick her out if you want." Santana offered.

"No." Puck shook his head. "Just keep her and Quinn away from each other."

"Why?" Santana questioned Puck.

"We can talk about this more when everyone's back in Lima." Puck promised. "Please."

"Okay." Santana responded, slowly smirking. "Are you gonna kiss Quinn at midnight?"

"I don't know." Puck said. "Should I?"

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