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"It's so good to be home." Puck noted, tossing his keys onto the counter.

"You seemed like you were enjoying Lima." Finn stated.

"I was." Puck replied. "But now that we're gone, I start getting all nostalgic when we visit."

"Awww." Finn teased with a smile.

"Shut up." Puck said. "How do you feel now that everyone knows you're back? And that you're a free man."

"I feel good." Finn shrugged.

"Good." Puck echoed. "'Cause I was thinking."

"Uh oh." Finn joked.

Puck rolled his eyes. "If we wait a few weeks and save up our money, we can get a two bedroom place. If you're staying."

Finn nodded. "I'm staying."

"Really?" Puck asked.

"Yeah, I wanna be an actor." Finn told Puck. "So I'm gonna stay in L.A. and try to get an agent and go on auditions."

"Not New York?" Puck questioned Finn.

"New York is Kurt and Rachel's thing." Finn stated. "I don't belong there."

"You belong here?" Puck wondered.

"Someone has to look after you." Finn smiled.

"This is gonna be awesome." Puck promised. "And even if this year sucks, Artie's graduating so he can direct you in my screenplay."

Finn furrowed his eyebrow. "What?"

"You're guaranteed a job." Puck pointed out. "Plus, we have my pool-cleaning business."

"Yeah." Finn nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

Puck nodded back. "Come on."

"What?" Finn asked.

"I need a drink." Puck noted.

"You need a drink or you need a booty call?" Finn questioned Puck.

"Both." Puck smirked as he picked up his keys. "Gotta get the taste of Lima out of my system."

"Yeah, me, too." Finn agreed. "Let's go celebrate being in L.A."

"I'll drink to that."


"I left you alone for five minutes." Finn muttered as he returned to Puck.

"Finn, this is Brooke and Chloe. They're twins." Puck introduced them, winking at Finn. "Ladies, this is the guy I was telling you about, Finn."

"He is cute."

"And so tall."

"Why don't you get to know each other better while I go get us some refills?" Puck suggested as he got up. He left Finn with the girls and walked over to the bar.

"Hi, Puck."

"Roxi." Puck smiled. "What's up?"

"Did you give everything some thought over the Thanksgiving weekend?" Roxi wondered.

"Look, I dig you." Puck began.

"But?" Roxi asked.

"But I'm eighteen." Puck said. "I'm not looking to be tied down. I'm just trying to enjoy myself."

"We had fun together." Roxi reminded Puck.

"I know, but-"

"Is this about your daughter's mother?" Roxi cut Puck off. "Did you see her? Are you still into her?"

"This has nothing to do with her." Puck lied. "I told you before I don't want that spreading all around, especially now that Finn's here."

Roxi looked at Puck.

"I'm not a relationship kind of guy." Puck continued. "I like the benefits of dating without committing to one woman."

"I just think we could be really great together." Roxi stated.

"I can't." Puck shook his head.

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