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"Dude! L.A. is awesome!" Finn exclaimed as he entered the apartment.

Puck grinned at Finn's excitement. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Finn nodded, closing the door and sitting down at the kitchen counter. "If I wanted to ask a girl out in Lima, I had to work up the courage first, and I still got rejected or had Santana meddling, but it's different here."

"Does that mean you slept with Hailey?" Puck wondered.

"No." Finn answered. "But I did score a date with her."

"A date?" Puck repeated. "When?"

"When we come back from Lima." Finn said. "I'm sure I'll need something good after telling everyone about the Army."

"Yeah, you deserve to have some fun." Puck agreed.

"What about you and Roxi?" Finn wondered.

"I don't know." Puck shrugged. "I'm having fun not committing to anyone."

"Yeah." Finn smirked.

"I think everyone's going home for Thanksgiving. Are you gonna be okay seeing Rachel?" Puck questioned Finn.

"I'll be fine." Finn promised.

"Good." Puck said.

"Yeah." Finn replied. "Are you working today?"

"Yeah." Puck nodded. "If you come, we can probably get everything done today."

"Yeah, sure." Finn nodded back. "And then tonight I can start texting everyone back."

"Or you can enjoy your last night before you have to tell everyone the truth." Puck suggested.

"Even better." Finn responded.

"I'm getting lunch with Mercedes tomorrow before our flight." Puck added. "I didn't tell her you're here, but you should come with us."

"If I come to lunch, I'll have to start explaining everything." Finn pointed out. "Besides, she's Kurt's best friend. I don't want him hearing I'm coming from anyone else."

"Text him." Puck advised Finn. "Just say hey bro see you in Lima and then turn your phone off until we get there."


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