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Puck spent weeks hooking up with different women. He introduced Finn to Paige, Veronica, Simone, and a ton of other girls Finn lost track of. If he wasn't working, he was out having sex.

"Dude, we need to talk." Finn stated.

"Is this about those twins?" Puck guessed. "'Cause you said you were cool about me hooking up with them."

"No, it's not about Brooke and Chloe." Finn insisted. "I didn't sleep with them anyway."

"You didn't?" Puck asked. "Dude, you're missing out. A threesome with twins is like-"

"I'm worried about you." Finn interrupted.

"You're worried about me?" Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"All you do is work and have sex." Finn stated.

"That's kinda all I've done for years." Puck pointed out.

"You haven't even picked up your guitar since we've been back." Finn noted.

"Because my guitar isn't making me any money." Puck said. "And we're trying to move to a bigger place after Christmas, remember?"

"Yeah, but-"

"I'm fine." Puck cut Finn off.

"Okay." Finn replied, though he clearly didn't buy it.

"I'm fine." Puck repeated.

"I said okay." Finn noted.

"Yeah, but you're not convinced." Puck stated.

"If you say you're fine, you're fine." Finn shrugged.

"Whatever." Puck muttered. "Are you going to Lima for Christmas?"

"Yeah." Finn nodded. "I wasn't going to, but my mom insisted on flying me out since I'm not away anymore. She said she'll fly you out, too, if you wanna join us."

Puck shook his head. "I think I'm gonna stay here and work."

"You're gonna be alone on Christmas?" Finn questioned Puck.

"I'll be fine." Puck promised. "Besides, it's not like I actually celebrate it anyway."

"Still." Finn said. "You're usually with us."

"I don't feel like going to Lima." Puck shrugged.

"Why not?" Finn asked.

"'Cause I hate it there." Puck answered.

"Since when?" Finn wondered. "You said it made you nostalgic."

"Since always." Puck replied. "It makes me delusional."

Finn furrowed his eyebrow. "Well, if you change your mind, my mom loves when you're with us on Christmas."

"I'm gonna stay here and work." Puck repeated. "And enjoy the peace and quiet while you're gone."

Finn smiled and rolled his eyes. "I won't be back 'til after new year's."

"I'll be here." Puck shrugged.


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