Platinum Arc Chapter 5 - A Distortion in Time and Space

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"I lost again, huh?" Volo scoffed, recalling Togepi placing his Pokeball back in his pocket. "I can see why you're the Village's wonder child Y/N. You work together with Pokemon like no one else."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere, Volo. We're just used to fighting Pokemon more; you're a merchant; it's only natural."

Volo smiled, nodding. "Ahh, yes, I suppose that's the case. But regardless, you are a sight to behold. I was right to approach you over this partnership; nothing can stop us with you by my side."

Holding Zorua in my arms, I raised an eyebrow, confused. "I don't quite understand why collecting these plates is so important to you, Volo. But I owe you so much already that I don't mind."

"Oh, thank Arcues, the other members of Team Galaxy ignore something like this as nothing more than a wild goose chase. But I know of their importance. You have my utmost respect Y/N." He responds, shaking my hand. "Thank you."

"It really isn't a big deal, Volo; I'm scouting out ahead anyway," I admit, laughing uncomfortably. "I already found two, so the rest shouldn't be too hard."

"Right, you are. We'll have them all in no time." Volo insisted, picking up his supplies and nodding away. "I heard the legends with all the plates together; you could receive the power to create a new world. Could you imagine that, a perfect new world?"

"I like the world we live in right now. So that sort of power wouldn't interest me."

Volo turned away, looking at his Pokeball. "No, I suppose it wouldn't. Everything is perfect for you, after all. A new world; imagine it. If only you could imagine it."


Professor Rowan and Looker had been talking for what felt like hours, obviously about my actions. All I could do was sit in the corner, the guilt drowning over me more by the second. Finally, lowering my head in shame, Dawn came over, sitting beside me, handing me a bottle of water. "I wouldn't worry too much about what they're saying, Y/N. Looker will understand you didn't mean anything that happened."

"Didn't stop it from happening, though, did it?" I bite back, squeezing the bottle of water tightly. "My people, my home. Criminals! Terrorists, how did this happen? Why did this happen? Commander Kamado or Captain Cyllene would never allow something like that to happen!"

"Kamado and Cyllene, they were the heads of the Galaxy Team, weren't they? You worked under them?"

"I did," I whisper, smiling to myself. "When I first joined, I was terrified of them. Compared to the other members, they were cold and distant. I felt like one wrong move, and I would be banished. Sounds silly saying it aloud. On the other hand, they were like my second family; I could trust them over anything."

Dawn rubbed my back, holding back my tears, trying to comfort me. "Hey, hey. No need to worry; we're going to make things right. I promise."

Wiping my already teary eyes, I quickly stood up once the adults' conversation had finished. Professor Rowan nodded firmly as Looker walked past. "Stay safe, Y/N."

With Looker gone, I was forced to confront the Professor over something I was less thrilled to discuss. "Everything has been cleared up, it took a lot of convincing, but Looker now understands you didn't mean anything by what happened."

"How could you say that? This is Team Galactic we're talking about here."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Y/N; you couldn't have known."

That excuse was running through my head as I felt even more defeated. "But I did; I knew deep down something wasn't right. People wouldn't even look my way when mentioning them: Looker, the fear in people's eyes. I knew Team Galactic were something more, but I chose to ignore it, as that was the closest thing I had left to resemble a home. I looked the other way, hoping I would stop feeling so. Alone."

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