Z-A Arc Chapter 7 - A Mega Outcome

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The morning sun bathed Jubilife Village in its warm glow as I took a deep breath; I had been up all night thinking of any good strategy to win. I wasn't sure where to go, but I knew I needed to prove not only myself but my dad right.

"I've been looking forward to this, son; how's the Pokemon I let you borrow treating you?"

I tried to build up a false confident look right off the bat, but that failed quickly as I sighed, deflating. "Truth be told, we're having problems."

This got a laugh from him as he began chucking a Pokeball up and down. "Pokemon are no different to us, Y/N. We need to earn their respect before we can work together. Enough talk, though; let's see if you're ready to join the Survey Corp."

I nodded eagerly, feeling a surge of nervous energy coursing through me. This was it, my chance to prove myself; if I could win, just one victory could mean my acceptance into the Galaxy Team. I had to do this. With a confident toss, I released Electabuzz onto the field, its electric sparks crackling around it. "Let's do this, Electabuzz!" I exclaimed, trying to sound as determined as possible.

"I won't be using my ace this time round; sorry If that disappoints you, but I'm sure Flareon will more than make up for it!" He shouts, sending out the evolution. I was well adept with his firey friend; we would spend cold winter nights snuggled up and playing with the other children around the beach. This would be the first time facing off against Flareon in a battle.

Galaxy Warden Allegro would like to battle.

The battle began, and right from the start, I could feel the pressure mounting. Dad's Flareon moved with grace and power while I struggled to keep up with its movements. Despite my best efforts to command Electabuzz, I couldn't seem to get a handle on the battle.

"Electabuzz, use Thunder Shock!" I called out, hoping to land a hit on Flareon. But to my dismay, Flareon dodged the attack effortlessly, leaving me feeling even more frustrated.

Dad's voice rang out across the battlefield, filled with encouragement. "You're doing great, Y/N! Just keep trying!"

"I don't know how..."

My father's voice cut through the tension. "Flareon, show them what you're made of! Ember attack!"

Before I could react, Flareon unleashed a barrage of fiery embers, engulfing Electabuzz in a blaze. My Pokémon cried out in pain, its electric fur singed by the flames. I winced, feeling a pang of guilt for putting it in harm's way.

"Electabuzz, hang in there!" I urged, trying to shake off my doubts. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to gain the upper hand. Flareon's Fire-type moves proved too much for my Electabuzz to handle

Flareon launched into a swift Quick Attack, catching Electabuzz off guard. My Pokémon stumbled backwards, weakened by the relentless assault.

"Dad, I don't know what to do..." I admitted, frustration creeping into my voice.

My father's expression softened, understanding flickering in his eyes. "It's okay, Y/N. Battles are as much about learning as they are about winning. Take a deep breath and focus. You'll get the hang of it."

I nodded, determination sparking within me. Despite the odds stacked against us, I refused to give up. "Electabuzz, let's try a Thunder Punch!"

With newfound resolve, Electabuzz charged forward, electricity crackling around its fists. But Flareon was too quick, dodging out of the way with ease. Before I could react, Flareon countered with a mighty Fire Fang, knocking Electabuzz to the ground.

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