Sword and Shield Arc Chapter 6 - Isn't it Alcremie?

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"Good afternoon, Galar, welcome back. This is Reporter Jennie live from Hammerlocke with all the coverage of the yearly Gym Challenge. It's been almost a month since starting, and we've seen the competition progress. I'm sure all of you have been closely monitoring our competitors this year, like the Champion's little brother, Hop, The Gym Leader Piers' sister, Marnie and the trainer endorsed by the Chairman, Bede. These three have been making huge progress; could they be the ones to take down Leon?"

"But Leon might not even be the biggest problem they have to deal with. I'm talking about our two special guests this year—the two Champions from Paldea and Kanto. Leaf has already got all her gym badges; who would have guessed!? There's a reason she's Monika's chosen representative, but here on PNC, we want to talk about the Paldean trainer Y/N. He's turned many heads since coming here, demolishing the competition far and wide with what seems to be a new team in every battle. It's almost scary how good this guy is! Although, he hasn't been seen with that cute special Zorua in a while... How sad! Maybe Y/N is saving her for the final? Whatever the case, he's the one to watch, folks. Will this be the third region under his belt? Stay tuned! Before we sign off, we want to remind everyone to take extra care on the journey; we've had worryingly high reports of Pokemon kidnapping; keep your friends safe and report any strange happenings to your local officer."


I again found myself in the wild area, mixing up my team. I was days away from snagging my 7th badge and knew it wouldn't come easy. While researching, the next leader was Piers, the dark-type leader. Dark types weren't my strongest feat; I could only use Mawile as my Fairy type, and I was seriously lacking in fighting types with none at hand. I couldn't expect Mawile to do all the heavy lifting, so I needed a few more team members for the battle ahead. Nor could I expect Mimikyu to do much more; there's no way Piers wouldn't have a poison type to counter me.

Sitting in a tree, I watched my prey, a stray Lucario, in the rocky mountain terrain. This was the advantage I was looking for. Squatting down, I took out two Pokeballs, one to fight and one to catch. Once his back was turned to me, I sprung into action, catching Lucario off guard and moving in.

"Make this quick, Dragapult!" I am sending in one of my newest team members. I used Allister for a royal flush victory. With his quick speed and overwhelming force, it was enough to take Lucario down with a swift of blows. Sliding across the floor, I threw my Ultra Ball, snagging the Pokemon just as quickly.

One Shake. Two Shake. Three Shake.


Recalling Dragapult, without a word, I picked up the third team member I had in mind for the Piers gym fight. One more fighting or fairy type would do it for me. Opening my Rotom Phone, I pulled up my PC box, dumping Dragapul alongside a dozen more Pokemon in the box. They won't be needed right now. Attaching Lucario to my belt, I began searching for my next target. "Either Falinks or Sylveon could work for me. An Eeveelution is never a bad choice. Leafeon worked wonders for Gordie."

Swiping my phone down, I found a child crying, running through the Wild Area. Locking eyes with me, he came towards me, hoping for help. "Mister! Mister, you've got to help me! It's. It's my..."

"Whoa, there, slow down, you brat. What's wrong?"

"It was my partner. Scraggy, I had him in his Pokeball, and I went to pick some berries, and then it was gone! Someone stole him!"

"Scrafty, that's another good choice for number four," I whisper to myself, hands on my hips. "Are you sure someone stole him? Maybe you just misplaced him or something like that?"

The boy shook his head, tears forming. "I would never lose him! Please, mister, you have to help me!"

"Listen, kid, I'm k-."

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