Black & White Part 1 Chapter 5 - The Boy With All The Time in The World

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I was still in the past, the present? I don't really know anymore. Days had passed, and nothing. I kept expecting to wake up back in Unova, having a bad dream, Zorua sitting on my lap, and I would carry on like nothing had happened. But no. I was here, Hisui somehow feeling more alone than ever.

How does that work?

Sitting up from my bed, I wiped my eyes, yawning. I hadn't a clue what time it was, but Mum was already gone. The house's dampening silence only met with the crackle of the fire on its last breath. Rubbing my face, I sighed, just thinking; my mind was constantly on how to get back; could I even do so?

The door opened as Mum and Liligant returned with the washing. She looked at me with a smile. "Good afternoon, Y/N. Did you sleep well?"

"It's the afternoon already? I don't ever sleep for that long."

"It's only natural, you're exhausted. How are you feeling?" She asks.

I shrug my shoulders, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "I'm alright. Liligant helped you?"

This got a smile from her as Mum looked at Liligant. "Of course, she was always a sweetie since you traded for her with the travellers from Unova."

"I forgot about that... I traded away a Turtwig I just caught. I could have caught one myself, but I could tell she was special."

Liligant came over, sitting next to me as I smiled and patted her. "Oh, that reminds me, speaking of Unova, we're actually having a handful of traders visiting today. Merchants and traders."

"It's that time of the year again? That's how you and Dad met, right?"

"Of course, he was only meant to visit to study the Pokemon tied to this region, but one thing led to another."

"You can leave the last part out," I smirk, standing up. "I suppose it would only be fair to greet them."

"I think that would do you some good. The Galaxy Team has allowed you to rest but hopes to have you back on surveys soon."

"I'll think about it," I tell myself as I get changed. I look to Liligant. "Are you coming, gal?"

Liligant jumps up, not even needing another second to think it over as she accompanies me out. Stepping into Jubilife Village, I take a deep breath, already greeting everyone walking by. I head for the main gate, where travellers far and wide occasionally visit. Most of that had been put on halt while we had the Space-Time Distortion problem. By now, with that resolved, it was back to the norm.

I stood idly by, waiting as the vase group of merchants came with their wear and products. I didn't say anything, letting them all pass, getting ready to set up shop. I gripped onto my hoodie on my tip-toes, just waiting. But when the last of the travellers came, I let out a sigh of disappointment. I looked to Liligant, trying to brave a smile. "Silly of me to think... But I was wishing Nemona and Mimi were with the group. Why would they be?"

Liligant looked just as upset. I knew it, too. She missed Zorua as much as I did. As I was ready to turn around and leave, I heard a meek voice as a young girl, no older than 13 or 14, fell over a bag more prominent than her, tumbling on top of her. I quickly ran over to help as Liligant picked up the bag. "Hey, are you alright there?"

The girl whimpered, pushing back a strand of blue hair from the straitened blonde hair. "Owie... Thank you, kind sir. I knew I packed too much."

Holding my hand, I helped her up, picking up some broken goggles and handing them back. "That's an awful amount of supplies you got there. And people say I'm over-prepped..."

Adjusting her goggles, she wiped her forehead, ready to take her bag back. "When it's for science, nothing is too much. Apologises. I didn't provide my name. I am Colton, I with the traveller's guild."

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