Sun and Moon Arc Chapter 1 - Alola!

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The World of Pokemon! Incredible to behold. Home of the most mysterious of all creatures. In the forests, up in the skies, and in the seas. Pokemon can be found in places all around this world.

The lives of people and Pokemon have been bound together since the beginning of time sharing the bonds of trust and respect.

Our Journey continues following a young trainer all the way from the Jubilife Village of the Past destined on a journey that has spanned hundreds of years. Together with his partner Zorua they too have travelled far and wide, discovering the wonders of their new world alongside the many out-of-this-world new Pokemon. As for every new Pokemon they meet a brand new and exciting adventure awaits them.

However, they are not the only trainers on a quest to find a way home, Deep within the Aeather Foundation a plot is spewing, one that has been hundreds of years in the making, one that could affect not just our world, but the worlds beyond...


Faba stormed into the main control centre in a state of panic. The Ultra Wormhole alarms had been tripped, one was forming right over the top of the foundation ready to crash down on them any minute. "Status report. Right now!"

"F-Faba, sir, the readings aren't adding up. The entire Aeather Foundation should be swallowed up by a Wormhole yet... Yet we're still here."

"Did you check it? Double check?"

Another worker gulped turning from the screen. "We've tripled checked. It's impossible."

"I'll see that for myself." He hissed storming outside to the observation deck only to find nothing in the slightest. The sky was crystal clear, the sun shining on another beautiful day. He was unsure what to make of it ready to turn away and walk back in only to stop. Something had been off the entire time.

"It was meant to be cloudy all day today..." He whispered to himself flinching seeing the sky glitch for a moment, like a thin layer was moved. Before he could create any of his conclusions the building to his right exploded knocking him back.

The fire spread around as the sky returned to what he imagined, a cloudy mess, with an Ultra Wormhole peering down on him. The sky he had seen was an illusion. A fake.

From the flames a metallic Pokemon emerged, one not of this world, it had a striking resemblance to a Liligant, not the one found on Alola though, tiny flickers of flames came off its metal stubs which extended out to holographic hands. To say Faba was shocked by the encounter would be an understatement.

Following the unknown Pokemon was a boy wearing old traditional Garma, matching that of something worn in Sinnoh. In hand was a prototype Faba was devastated to find taken.

"The N-Solarizer!"

The boy hearing this glanced over his shoulder smirking holding his arm out. "Iron Dancer, Return." The Pokemon transcended into a hologram crumbling away into the boy's device. He approached Faba chuckling. "You have so many skeletons in your closet yet this, this is what could change the world forever. You called it what? The N-Solarizer? How fitting, it's just what my boss ordered to light up his future."

Faba moved his hand for his Pokemon fuming. "How dare you, a mere child, come here and attempt to steal the good work I commissioned! I will not stand for this, in Lusmine's place I will have order."

The boy didn't move arms crossed waiting as Faba gripped his Pokemon only for his hand to pass right through. "Looking for these?"

He was holding Faba's partner throwing the ball up and down. "What primitive way to hold a Pokemon, this era is such a waste isn't that right Mimi?"

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