The Found Feanorian:

344 6 22

(Best if done on a computer so you can listen and read at the same time)

Also, I realized that my numbers and dates are not lined up at all. If you are not a tolkien timeline nerd then you won't notice but i do lol and Its driving me mad. 

I am so sorry this has been taking forever. Truth is, I haven't been doing 100% okay recently. My depression has crept up on me again. I have been under a lot of stress and because of my severe ADHD it makes it really hard to function. Doing the best I can to get through each day. Please pray for me if you're the praying type. I've got some decisions to make soon and I'm nervous. Trying my very hardest to sit back and let God take control but that's not easy for a control freak. 

-Eri <3



Things improved immensely for me. After two weeks of resting my stitches were removed and I could move freely again. Elrond and his children accepted me as one of their own. They included me in everything and made me feel like a member of their family. It felt wonderful to be accepted again.

Legolas was being extremely kind to me. I think he still felt guilty for the accusations he made against my family. I quite enjoyed his company. The Prince knew much about the world and always had something interesting to say. I love how Legolas talked about the trees and the stars. He'd even helped me with my archery. Turns out I felt at home with bows and arrows. I was a pretty good shot.

Elladan was my walking companion. I loved to take walks in the gardens and often found his studying something new or reading by the pond. I found his company quite agreeable. He also was a skilled warrior but much preferred books to weapons.

I found a great friend in Elrohir as well. The elf was a skilled master with swords and knives. After I was able to walk Elrohir decided I should know how to defend myself. Many hours we spent in the forest sparring with each other. He felt like the brother I never had. I appreciated how he kept an eye out for me.

Arwen was my closest confident. We spent many nights giggling over guards around Rivendell or things from when we were young. She comforted me in my dark moments and laughed with me in my happy ones. Arwen had become the sister I had always wanted.

I beckoned for Legolas to follow me, "Shh!"

Elrohir, Legolas, and I crept silently along the halls of Rivendell. I smirked when we approached Elladan's door.

Legolas opened the door and we carefully made our way in.

I nearly burst out laughing as we crept to Elladan's bedside. Elrohir held a goblet of water. Legolas was also struggling to keep a straight face.

"Three, two," I counted down with my fingers. "One!"

Elrohir tossed the water onto his sleeping twin. Elladan jumped and nearly fell off the bed.

"What in the name of-" He exclaimed. Legolas and I burst out laughing.

"Good morning brother," Elrohir chided. "Hope it wasn't too cold for you."

Elladan groaned, "Thank you, now i'm all wet!"

My ribs ached from laughing so hard, "I'm sorry. Twas my idea. I mean it only in fun."

Elladan rolled his eyes, "I suppose I shall recover from the fright. You're forgiven." 

I passed Elladan a towel from his wardrobe.

 My eyes lifted from the book I was reading to see Lindir walking toward me.

"My lady, Lord Elrond has requested your company in his study," He bowed.

"Thank you Lindir. I will go right away," I put my book on the table and made my way through the airy halls of Rivendell. Lord Elrond met me at the doors and welcomed me into his office.

"I've never seen so many books," I stared at the massive book cases.

"I'm afraid most would bore you," He chuckled. "Accounts upon accounts of the past."

"Sounds fascinating."

"Perhaps. I called you here to discuss such things."

Elrond and I sat on the benches on the patio. 

"What would you like to know?" I asked nervously.

"I would like to know about you," he smiled. "It has been a joy to have you here but I only wish to know more."

"Thank you for welcoming me."

He nodded.

"I guess I should tell you how I came to meet Legolas? It's a long story and not very pleasant I'm afraid. I come from a small village near the southwest of Caras Galadhon. My uncle was a captain."

"You were raised by your uncle?"

"Yes. My father left and my mother died shortly after."

"What was your mother's name?"


Elrond stood and grabbed a leather book from the shelf inside.

I looked at him curiously.

"This is most interesting."

"What is it?" I asked.

Elrond opened the book to a faded page. A list of names was on one side, just barely readable. Some had other names beside them. I looked over the list until I found Feanor. Then, a few lines below, Caranthir. My father's name had no one beside his.

"Shouldn't my mother's name be in here?" I asked.

"That's why no one in Lorien recognized you. Your father never recorded his marriage or your birth. Most elves know the history of the Noldor by reading the records and texts. We didn't know you because you were never introduced. I wondered how a descendant of Feanor was able to go completely unnoticed."

I knew what he meant. Feanors name had Nerdanel, my grandmother, beside him and below them were their sons, "Why didn't my father put my mother's and I's names in here?"

"To protect you both obviously. From what, is a mystery."

"And my uncle?"

"That is a mystery. Caranthir had no relatives in Lorien."

"My Uncle told me my parents met somewhere else. The wilds. She lived with her parents."

"That would also explain why she remained unknown," Elrond passed me a quill.

I nodded and took it. He put the book in my lap so I could add my name and my mother's to the page.




"It is official. The heir of Fëanor has been found," Elrond said as he took the book from me.

I tried to smile but the weight in my stomach prevented it. 


Just  a short one for now :) Back soon!


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