New Friends:

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Nehemiah 8:10- "The joy of the Lord is your strength."


When my eyes opened the next morning I rolled over to see golden sunlight pouring in through the window of the main room. The curtain door had been tied open which allowed a cool breeze to blow throughout the place. I folded my blanket at the foot of my bed and combed my long hair. My clean tunic fell almost to my knees so I braided my hair down my back and tied it with a leather strap to match. After wiping the mud off my leather boots I pulled them on over my leggings and went off in search of familiar faces. When I stepped out of my room Legolas sat up from where he lay on his bed. The golden light fell across his chest and gave his pale skin a glimmering look. I did my best not to blush.

"Good morning," I smiled as I inched my way towards the door.

Legolas did up the front of his garment and smiled back, "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good."

"Aragorn told me about last night. Are you alright?" He stepped towards me with a sad look on his face. "I am sorry I did not hear you."

"It's alright. I'm fine now," I lied. The prince didn't look convinced.

"You can talk to me Lillian. You can trust me."

You can trust me. You can trust me. His words echoed in my ears. I shrugged and tried to step past him. He put his arm across the doorway to stop me.


I choked back the tears and stood up straight, "I can fight my own battles Legolas. I am an adult."

He sighed, "Everyone needs help sometimes. No shame in asking for it." 

"If I needed it I would ask."

The elf removed his arm and let me through. I jogged outside and around the back of the cabin. I peered around the corner and saw Legolas making his way towards Aragorn's home. I stood with my backside pressed to the wall and slammed my fist against the hard wood.

"Come on. You're stronger than this," I scolded myself. 

      Just then, a little girl walked by. She stopped, backed up a few steps, and looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Hello there," I knelt to greet her.

She reached out and gently shook my finger.

"I'm Lillian. What's your name?"

"Ellemay," She whispered in her sweet voice.

"Well, It is a pleasure to meet you Ellemay," I bowed my head to her. "What are you doing all alone?"

The little girl shrugged.

"Where's your mother?"

Ellemay shrugged.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked softly.

She shook her head, "No. No more crying."

"I noticed she was holding something behind her back. "What have you got there?" I asked.

Ellemay extended her hand to show a tiny carved animal. It was a wooden deer. One ear had broken but she stared at the tiny item as if it was the most valuable thing in the world. Ellemay handed it to me.

"This is nice," I smiled. "Where did you get it?"

"My daddy made it for me," She grinned. "He used to call me little fawn."

The Lost One: Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now