The Alliance of Men and Elves:

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Thranduil met with Aragorn and agreed to stay the week. I hoped it would give Legolas and him time to make up. Aragorn granted Thranduil the eastern section of the forest to set up his camp. I often passed through it on my way to Tulie's. Sometimes Thranduil would watch me as I passed by. A look of sadness or anger seemed to be his expressions of choice. The tension in the encampment was building. Some men had killed a few straggling orcs not too far from the cavern entrance and that raised panic. Thranduil had volunteered part of his troop as assistance to the Dunedain. Aragorn and Legolas had around the clock watches scheduled which meant Legolas and I now spent more time apart than together. He had volunteered to lead the night  patrols which meant we didn't get our night-time talks anymore. Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas and I now walked around fully armed. We weren't the only ones. Those who possessed swords wore them at all times.

I rolled over as I heard the shuffle of someone entering the cabin. My eyes opened as Legolas walked in. I could see his silhouette in the pale light. When he turned sideways I could see a dark streak down the side of his face.

"You're bleeding!" I sat up.

"It's just a scratch," he chuckled. The blood was dripping down his neck. I grabbed a cloth from the shelf an soaked it in the basin of water. I wiped the blood off him and held it to the cut, "It could get infected."

"I'm fine. Do not worry about me."

"It's my job," I giggled as I kissed him. "What happened?"


I stiffened.

"It was odd. There were only a few. It was as if they were sent as an experiment. These orcs were weak but one managed to nick me," Legolas grabbed my hand and kissed me. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Do you think there will be more?"

"I hope not but there is a possibility."

I kissed his neck and leaned into his hold.

"I'm going to speak with my father tomorrow. I would appreciate it if you would come with me."


"If we are going to be attacked we will need his help. The Dunedain do not have enough men to stand on their own. I haven't wanted to confront Aragorn about it but I feel I must. He is the one who needs to form the alliance with Ada."

"He will. Aragorn wants his people to survive," I stroked Legolas's hair. He tightened his arms around my waist and sighed happily while I ran my fingers through his silky hair. I could feel the pressure and exhaustion he was suffering.

"You should rest melleth," I kissed his cheek and traced the side of his face with my fingers. "You're very tired."

I sat him down on his bed and took my place on my own, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's Ada. His presence is driving me crazy."

"I thought you didn't care what he thought."

"That was when there were several thousand miles between us."

I sat perched on the half wall of the pavilion watching Thranduil pace back and forth with his hands behind his back. His leather boots thumped on the wood floor and rang in my ears. Legolas stood stiffly beside me with his icy eyes fixed on his father.

"Will you not help us?" Elladan questioned at last.

Thranduil tossed a harsh look at the ellon, "I do not see how this benefits me in anyway master Elrondion."

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