The Journey Begins:

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Guess what! I just found out we are getting a live action HTTYD (How to train your dragon). I still love those movies so hopefully they don't go and ruin it but I'm kinda excited because ya know...DRAGONS! 

I have been obsessed with all things dragons recently lol.



"Time to go," Someone said.

I groaned and stretched. My eyes opened to see the men stuffing stuff in their packs. The sun wasn't even beginning to rise. My body ached from the last two days of traveling but I dragged myself out of bed. I folded up my blanket and put it back inside my leather satchel. Elladan gave me a dish with potatoes and biscuits on it which I demolished. 

Then, I continued my packing. Legolas and Elrohir offered to grab the horses and meet us behind the tavern. While they were gone I did my best to hide any traces we had left indicating we had been here. We didn't want any undesirable company.

"Might I ask you a question?" Beradhir said from where he sat in the dark corner.

Elladan shifted and looked at me.

"You may," I leaned against the wooden wall.

"Why is a woman traveling with four elf men in the wilds of Middle Earth?"

"Because I was called to it and I wanted adventure," I stated. 

"I just find it odd."

"Why? Do you think women are incapable of surviving in the wild?"

"Of course not. I have fought alongside many fine female warriors."

Elladan stepped into the conversation, "I myself have had a hand in Lady Lillian's training. I would not underestimate her abilities."

Beradhir didn't reply to the Noldors remark. I guess our line's name still make people uneasy.

The three of us paid Barliman and threw in a little extra after he assured us he wouldn't disclose we had passed through. Barliman gave us his word and that seemed enough for Beradhir. I noticed Legolas was keeping his distance from the Dunedain in particular. He wasn't hostile towards the man but he seemed rigid. The five of us snuck out of Bree and made our way through the dense woods following the road. If we were going to make it to the Dunedain villages we would need to ride steady for almost a week.

 The evening of the second day was beautiful. After two days of riding in the rain the warm air and cool breeze was welcomed. While the twins and Beradhir poured over a map I collected my bow and quiver and set off in search of supper, or headspace. I found myself wandering along the damp forest floor. The sweet smell of wet grass filled my nose as I looked around for any signs of food to gather. Somewhere in the hazy treetops and owl called out. The sun was just beginning to fade as I pulled myself up into a large tree. With my bow nocked I perched on one of the branches and waited for something to come along. The valar indeed showed me favor and before long a lone deer wandered into the clearing. Just as I went to loose my arrow I saw a little deer wander behind its mother. I dropped my arrow which startled the animals. The two creatures bounded into the dark woods, crashing through the brush as they went. I shook my head and grumbled to myself. I couldn't even bring myself to kill an animal. After a few moments a large rabbit hopped out from beneath a bush. I quickly let the arrow fly. My squinted eyes opened to see the arrow had impaled the rabbit and was stuck in the ground with the rabbits neck skewered.

"Oh," I gasped sadly. I had just committed my first murder. My leg scraped against the bark as I scrambled down out of the tree. I knelt down to pull the arrow out of my catch but I froze. The little creature stared at me with it's soft brown eyes. I fell down on my tail end and shuffled away from it. My back fell against something . I felt behind me and my finger touched leather. I blushed when I looked up. Legolas was looking down at me with a confused look.

Mandos take me now! I stared up at him, "Mae govannen."

"Mae govannen," He chuckled as he helped me to my feet.

I dusted off my leggings and asked, "How long have you been standing there?"

My cheeks must have been red as roses.

"Oh, Long enough to know you have no hunting experience and have a very compassionate heart," The sindar walked over and yanked the arrow out of the rabbit like it was just an everyday task. "It won't hurt him. He's already dead."

"It was a very good shot," He grabbed the rabbit by the ears and passed it to me.

 I stared at the mess of blood and fur. My hand reached out and I grabbed the limp ears of the animal. 

      Legolas grabbed my bow and quiver and escorted me back towards our camp. Before we came to our place my mind broke from its frozen state. I dropped the rabbit when I saw blood on my fingers. All of a sudden I was back on the forest floor dying. I could feel the life being pulled from me. The sharp pain was in my side and the darkness began to swallow me.

"Lillian?" Someone asked. "Lillian, what's wrong?"

I looked up to see two concerned blue eyes. My knees met the dirt and the elf knelt in front of me. He pulled me into his arms.

"It's alright. It's alright. I'm so sorry," Legolas whispered over and over again.

After a few moments I sat up and shook the blurriness from my mind, "I don't know what happened."

Legolas wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb, "Are you alright?"  

"I was there."

He looked confused.

Something flashed through my mind. Wolves raced through the trees around me. I squinted my eyes closed and the vision vanished.

"I was there. On the forest floor again," I frowned. "It must have been the sight of blood. I'll get accustomed to it eventually."

"I wish you didn't have to," He said sadly.

"Legolas I can't hide away forever."

He lowered his head. I reached over and squeezed his hand, "Come on. You gotta teach me how to skin this thing." I pushed down the nausea in my stomach and pulled on my best determined face.

Legolas cleaned the rabbit and I roasted it by the fire. I managed to boil some water in a pot Beradhir had and made a weak broth for it. When the moon was appearing over the trees I rolled out my bed and Legolas placed his a few feet away. I didn't question it but for some reason he seemed to feel the need to watch over me. I didn't complain. No one in my life before was this devoted to me. 

Legolas and I didn't speak about the events of the past evening. I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about the fact that something was happening to me. My soul now burned with a new fire. A strong thread of emotions threaded through my own. An added blaze engulfed my insides and made me feel whole. A peaceful sensation came with it. I had found my place of peace that would sustain me through the next weeks. 

Two blue eyes and silky blonde hair.


This was probably horrible but I thought the ending was kinda cute...

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