Taking The Plunge:

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*The waterfall is pictured above*

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*The waterfall is pictured above*

Prepare for elf fluff!  Fangirling is allowed :)


 "Move your feet!" Elrohir reminded.

I quickly stepped back. The sun shone down through the trees and the air was warm.

"Its too hot for this," I groaned as I collapsed on the ground.

Legolas collapsed beside me, "Agreed."

Elrohir sheathed his sword, "Meet me outside the stable in five minutes."

I sat up on my elbows, "Please My Lord, have mercy on thy poor servant."

Legolas laughed.

Elrohir rolled his eyes.

We met Elrohir and his brother outside the stable a few minutes later. He held the reins to three white horses.  

"I hope you're both up to another adventure," Elladan said as he mounted his horse. Legolas climbed onto the back on the third horse and offered me his hand.

"Oh uh, Hannon le," I smiled as he pulled me up behind him. Legolas nodded to me and nudged our horses side with his heels. I grabbed onto his waist as our horse broke into a trot.

"Sorry," I blushed.

" 'Tis alright," He smiled.

The four of us rode through the dense forest. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze around me. This was home. A place of peace.

Legolas helped me off the horse. Our group had arrived at a waterfall.

"We used to come here all the time as children," Elrohir smiled as he pulled his tunic off in one swift motion.

I turned around and blushed.

"What?" Elrohir asked. "You've never seen a shirtless Ellon before?"

"No, no I have not," I replied. My face must have been red as a rose. 

I could shuffling behind me as I stared into the woods. Finally I willed myself to pull on a straight face and talk to my friends. My eyes fell to Legolas. His blonde hair fell over his shoulders and glistened in the sunshine. He was built like an archer. All his muscles perfectly toned right down to his hips. Legolas' leggings. My thoughts were cut short.

"Last one in is a dwarf!" Elladan yelled. The twins both sprinted towards the water and Dove head first.

"Do you swim Lillian?" Legolas asked.

"Oh. I haven't in so long. I am not sure I would remember."

He smiled. His blue eyes stared right through my shaking self.

"Come. 'Tis nothing to be scared of." 

How did he know I was scared of water?

He nodded to the waterfall, "They're having all the fun without us."

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