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Well my friends, we are just seven or so chapters from the end! As always I will be sad to complete a story but happy because that means I get to create another adventure for you.


John 3:16-  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."



The twins and myself walked back towards the cabin. Lillian hadn't returned the meeting and I was worried. From a ways off I saw Tulie. I lifted my hand to greet her.

She ran towards me, "Legolas. Have you seen Ellemay?"

"Why no I have not," I replied.

"She's been missing all day. Lillian went off to look for her but so far no signs."

"Off where?" Elrohir asked anxiously. He looked at me. "Where did she go?" 

          I'd never felt so scared. With night approaching and the news about Lillian being hunted, her being alone worried me. The twins and I mounted our horses and took off into the dark woods around the encampment. I tried to feel Lillian's soul. I could. Faintly.

We rode under the tress until we came to the river dividing the lands.

Elladan climbed off his horse and crouched, "She came this way! They lead back towards the camp," He ran his finger over the ground. "They're fairly fresh. That's an Imladris print in the shoe dent."

I looked over the area. Two wooden pillars were on each bank of the river.

"The bridge has been washed out!" I stated. Fear crept into my heart. Elrohir pointed, "Look!"

Ellemay was walking along the bank.

I jumped off my own horse, "Ellemay!"

I knelt down and hugged the tiny child, "We have been so worried about you! Where is Lillian?"

Ellemay pointed toward the river, "The water took her away. She's gone."

My heart slammed into my chest and stopped for a moment.

"Mandos have mercy," Elladan said.

I passed Ellemay to Elrohir, "take her back. Tell Aragorn Lillian is in danger."

"What about you?"

"I'm not returning until I have found her."

The rain poured down in a curtain as I wandered along the river bank. My eyes were full of tears as I thought about the potential fate of my elleth. The what ifs flew through my mind over and over until they were one blurr of noise. I shook my head and shuddered to quiet them. 

      I jumped off my horse and tied his reins to a low tree branch.

The sky began to darken even more indicating it was nearly dusk. I stood on a rock looking out over the water. All of a sudden the clouds rolled away and a bright shaft of moonlight fell down from them. I looked over towards it and saw someone lying on the sandy bank of the river.

"Lillian!" I ran over and slid to my knees beside her. I rolled her over and pulled her cold body into my arms. Her lips were blue and she was drenched. She stirred slightly before her eyes opened.

"Sh, you're alright," I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Where's Ellemay?" She tried to sit up.

"She's safe. We found her. You need to relax," I assured her.

The Lost One: Legolas x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora