A Blessed Surprise:

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The song above is the theme song for this book btw.

No joke I have changed my plan for this book twice already. I think I have chosen one.

Also, this chapter is unofficially sponsored by Pride and prejudice 2005. 

ps: I did exactly what i told myself i wasn't going to do with this chapter lol.


Psalm 8:2-

Through the praise of children and infants

you have established a stronghold against your enemies,

to silence the foe and the avenger.



Tulie opened the door with a baby on her hip, "Lillian!"

"Good morning," I smiled and took the child from her. She poured water in a wooden basin and began scrubbing the clothing, "He's been fussing all night."

"Oh has he," I chuckled and smoothed the infants hair. "My aunt used to calm my cousin with wine mixed with water."

"Wine? For a baby? I suppose you elves are peculiar."

I laughed lightly and set the little boy down in the cradle. Ellemay climbed down the ladder and jumped into my arms.


"Hey you!" I ruffled her hair.

Tulie smiled at the two of us.

"I got to outside," Ellemay squirmed.

"Have fun," I kissed her cheek and set her down. The tiny girl ran after the others outside.

"You're a natural with her," Tulie said. "She's not been that open to someone until you and Legolas came along."

"She's darling," I replied.

"All she talks about is you and Legolas." Tulie handed me a cup of tea. "Lillian. Would you and Legolas ever consider adopting Ellemay?"

My jaw lowered slightly. I stared at the ground. As much as I did want to have a family I knew adopting a mortal wouldn't be easy.

"Oh Tulie," I whispered. "I don't know."

"Please? Think about it? Ellemay loves you both and you both love her."

"I know. I would love to be a mother but Ellemay, she's, she's human."

"She couldn't live in Mirkwood?"

"No she could," I stated. "It's just, she doesn't belong with us. She needs to be with her people,To share in her heritage."

"I know. It was just a thought."

I looked out the window and saw Ellemay sitting in the grass with her friend picking daisies. Her red hair blew in the wind and fell across her small cheeks. I thought about how her small body felt in my arms and all of a sudden I was longing to hold her again. I tried to imagine how it could work. Of course Ellemay would adjust to Mirkwood seeing as she was so young but she would age, and pass, still during the early years of Legolas and I's marriage. I didn't know I could handle that kind of loss.

I confronted Legolas with Tulie's thought that night.

"I don't know Lill," he frowned. "Two elves adopting a human? I love Ellemay just as much as you do but I don't think this is right."

The Lost One: Legolas x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora