Into The Wilds:

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A soft knock sounded at my door. I pulled my leggings on as I made my way to it.

"Lillian? I hope I am not disturbing you," Arwen smiled.

I beckoned her inside, "I was just finishing my packing."

"I came at the right time then," She held out a small leather pack. "Please, give this to Estel when you see him."

"Of course. I will be sure to get it to him," I took it from her and placed it in the bottom of my pack.

"It's just some necessities. New clothes and such. Eru knows he doesn't think about himself."

"I'll look after him. I promise," I gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"I am going to miss you," She smiled sadly. "I've loved having you here."

"I have loved being here. I hope I shall return one day."

We met Lord Elrond, Galadriel, and the ellons outside. I was given the reins of a large, chestnut colored, horse. The horses were plain compared to the stunning white mounts of Rivendell but I understood. We needed to blend in and try to go unnoticed. 

Galadriel gently stroked the side of my face, "Have courage. We shall see each other again."

I nodded my head to her, "Thank you for everything. I do pray the Valar allow us to meet again."

       Arwen said good bye to her brothers but not without a few tears. I looked over to see Galadriel speaking with Legolas. His eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. The butterflies in my chest fluttered rapidly. I shoved the feeling away and strapped my pack onto my horse. Elrohir and his twin were already mounted and ready to ride. 

"May the grace of Men and of Elves go with you. May the grace of Manwe (Manway) be with you as you journey the lands," Elrond raised his hand to bless us. He took the leather bound parcel from Lindir and passed it to me. I opened it to reveal two of the most beautiful twin knives I had ever seen. They were silver with handles carved from pale wood. Much like the ones Legolas used but instead of vines they were carved with another pattern. Stars. Feanorian stars. 

"May they serve you well," Elrond said as he passed me a bow of similar make. "You have earned them."

We all bowed our heads to him. The four of us rode over the stone bridge and towards the gate leading out to the path. I turned in my saddle to get one more look at the valley. Something inside me sank.

"Namarie," I whispered sadly before kicking my horse into a swift run after the other's. 

Our first days journey was hard. Not only did we have to ride through a stoney ravine but the sky decided we needed a shower alongside. I had bruises on places I didn't know I could bruise when we made our camp. Elladan had found us a place in a thick grove of trees. 

         I lifted my horse's saddle from his back, or rather, I tried. My muscles were throbbing from the long day.

"Here, allow me," Someone said as they removed the saddle from my mount's back. Legolas put the saddle on the lowest branch of the tree we had tied our horses to.

"Hannon le," I whispered.

"Le nathlam," Legolas smiled back at me. "Are you alright?"

I grabbed my pack and bedroll and nodded before retreating. I found myself in a much smaller gap between the pine trees. After making sure I was out of eyesight I relieved myself and applied more ointment to the scar on my side. I sat down under one of the trees and inhaled the crisp air. Fall was almost upon us so there was a chilly freshness about the woods. My ears picked up on the lonely call of an owl somewhere above me. I pulled my cloak tighter around me and leaned back against the tree trunk. It felt good to not move. For a while I reclined and watched the white clouds pass overhead. How careless they look floating dreamily across the icy blue expanse. Something deep inside me longed to touch them and hope their freeness would lift the burden from me.

    When I walked back to the camp the boys were sitting on their beds in silence. I rolled out my own bed opposite from theirs and put my pack at the foot. Elrohir passed me a plate with bread and dried meat, "Eat this. You need to keep your strength up."

I nodded to him and took the tin dish from him. He smiled and returned to his spot by the fire. The food felt like sawdust in my mouth but I cleaned my plate and drank some of my water to wash it down. Legolas sat on his blanket wiping his blades with a cloth. The reflection of the fire sparkled in his blue eyes. I watched him for a few moments before he looked up at me. I quickly diverted my gaze to the fire itself. The moon was beginning to rise as the sky turned darker.

"I'll take first, Legolas takes second, Elrohir third," Elladan said as he sat next to his brother.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You can do a watch tomorrow night," Elladan pointed to my bed. "You still need your rest." 

       After I rolled over so my back was facing them I started to miss my bed in Rivendell. However, I was going to need to get used to being less than comfortable if I was going to survive out here. Tears filled my eyes. I did my best to keep them from falling. They disappeared when an overwhelming calm came over me. When I snuggled into my blanket I did my best to shut out the world around me.    

Three men made their way towards me. Two were taken out by arrows but the other kept advancing. I looked down at my hands. I held my bow and an arrow. If I shot now I could kill him. I didn't want to. I wasn't a murderer. He didn't stop. I nocked my arrow and prepared to fire. I froze. He drew out his sword to kill me. I felt a quick pain.

I felt myself jump from sleep as I regained my vision. My heart pounded in my chest and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Lillian?" Someone knelt down beside me. "Are you alright?"

I sat up to see Elladan. "I just had a nightmare. I'm fine," I whispered as I wiped a tear away.

"You don't seem fine," He opened his arms to me. I hugged him tightly. Elladan hugged me back, "I promised Arwen I'd look after you. We consider you one of our siblings now."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Anytime sis," Elladan nudged my shoulder before he left.

A warm glow filled me. I had a family.

The sun woke me up the next morning. I could feel it's warm rays shining down on me through the trees. The four of us packed up our small camp and prepared for our journey. Legolas and I tacked up the horses. He didn't bring up my nightmare so I assumed Elladan hadn't told anyone. 

I rode along beside Legolas as we made our way across the plain.

"Race you!" I heard myself say as I kicked my horse into a fast gallop.

"Hey no fair!" Legolas yelled after me.
I laughed and continued racing on ahead of him. When Elladan and Elrohir were no longer in sight I turned my horse around.

Legolas rode up to me, "Not a fair race! I had no warning." Then he stopped.

"It's only fair since. What are you looking at?" I turned in my saddle to see a smoking pile a few yards away. Orc bodies had been hewn and burned. The twins caught up to us and we all made our way over to investigate. It was indeed a burn sight. Dead orcs and even men were stacked and left to incinerate.

"Dunedian," legolas said as he yanked an arrow out of the pile.

Bile rose up in my throat as I turned away. My stomach turned as I vomited everything that had been in me. Legolas gave me a cloth to wipe my mouth with and boosted me into my saddle.

"Come. Let us be off," Elrohir stated. "Bree is ahead."

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