The Valley:

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Hehe sorry this took forever. Writers block is so much fun. Once again, I suggest listening to the songs I post in the media section. Sets the mood. :)



I sighed with relief when I rode over a hill and saw the crest of the cliffs that formed rivendell. The sun was just beginning to rise as we made our way down the steep, stoney path to the valley. Lillian limply hung over the saddle slightly. I kept one arm around her waist to prevent her from falling. I was met by two elves once through the tall gate of Imladris.

"Who enters the valley?" One asked.

"Legolas son of Thranduil. I have come with an injured elleth to see Lord Elrond. Is he at home?"

The guard shook his head. "No. The Lords are away."

Just as he spoke two horns sounded and a group of riders rode through the gates. I was relieved to see three of my friends among them. The rider formed a rotating circle around me. They paused to let Elrond and his two sons approach me.

"Legolas. Welcome!" Elrond nodded his head to me.

"Lord Elrond, I am in desperate need of your help," I replied anxiously.

The healer's eyes moved to the elleth in my arms. "Yes, Of course!"

I slid out of my saddle while keeping my hand on Lillian.

"Who do we have here?" Elrond dismounted and looked at the girl in my arms.

"I do not know much about her other than her name is Lillian."

"She is not of Mirkwood?"


"I have not seen her here in Imladris. I know every elf that inhabits my valley," He brushed a strand of her dark hair aside. "Unless."

He ended his words and motioned for me to follow him.

Elrohir and Elladan followed after us into the maze of ornate halls that made up The House of Elrond.

"Where is she from?" Elladan asked.

"I do not know," I replied. "I believe she was making her way east."

"Here perhaps? Besides the havens there are no places left for the elves."

"We will have to ask her when she is healed." I changed the subject, "Have you seen a wound like this before?"

Elrond opened a door to a brightly-lit room. I put Lillian on the bed and stepped back. 

Lord Elrond removed my cloak from her body and gave it to Elladan who walked out.

"We need to draw her fever out," He said as he began to cut the front of her stained nightdress open. I quickly lifted my eyes from her.

I heard a soft groan fall from her lips.

"She's coming to," Elrohir said as he grabbed a bottle from the cabinet. After dumping some of the water-like substance on a cloth he pressed it over her nose and mouth. She stiffened and her head tilted slightly.

"What did you do to her?" I asked anxiously.

"I can't stitch her up while she's conscious. The strongest pain killer I have can't mask the agony," Elrond said calmly. I winced when I saw he had a needle and thread in his hand.

"You might want to," Elrohir nodded towards the door while taking the needle from his father.

I looked back at the elleth lying on the bed. A dark, wine colored blanket covered her body except the wound on her leg. It made her skin glow ghastly white. I feared if a breeze blew hard enough she would shatter.

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