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Ps this is my very first story so i'm sorry if it's bad lmao.

Backstory- Dean is your boyfriend of about a month but y'all have known each other quite a bit longer. You him and his brother sam go hunting so y'all go from motel to motel. During a hunt he's acting different so you ask him "What's going on with u lately? You've been way different. Are you ok?"

later on, that night

You walk into your room to find dean sitting on your bed. You've noticed recently he's been acting a little different and you really just wanna know what's up. You sit on your bed and say "uh hey dean what's up, why are you just randomly in my room?" Dean sitting at the bottom corner of you bed you sitting vertical at the top side of your bed, he takes a moment to answer, he says "Earlier you asked me why i've been acting different. I know your not gonna drop it so i figured i would just get the touchy feely crap out the way sooner then later." Your shocked but try to calmly say, "Um ok well good then talk." Deans voice gets a little shaky, "how i feel recently," he pauses, while he pauses you go closer sitting right next to him, you start to hold his hand and rest your head on his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, "i feel, this- inside me, i wish i couldn't feel anything y/n, i wish i couldn't feel a damn thing." he says.. You try to keep yourself together because you were shocked and didn't know what to do. Dean winchester, not only opening up but also crying. So after a second you stand up still holding his hand, you stand in front of him. One of his hands in your hand the other holding his forehead, you grab his chin to make him look up at you. You take your hands and wipe his tears away. You give him a hug, you tell him it's ok. then you pull away wipe his face once more and give him a kiss. After that you hug him again and say "it's ok dean, it's ok to cry and let it out you know" that's when you start to feel him hug you back and let it go so he starts crying again. you sit on his lap while hugging him, brushing your hand through his hair with the other on his neck. After a couple minutes you sit back on the bed just as you were before with you holding his hand on leaning on him. "What do u need, what can i do to help" you say. "I just want to lay down with you" so y'all both change into something comfier, dean gets into bed before your done changing and when you walk back in you brush you hand through his hair while giving him another kiss. you lay down on him, he wraps his arm around you leaving his hand brushing against your arm while your hand and his other hand hold. he ends up falling asleep before you, you try to get up to get a drink but he wakes up, "where are you going, can u please stay in here with me" he says. you respond "i'm just going to get some water i'll be right back, go back to sleep baby" you get a bottled water, come back as he's dozing back off so you lay down again this time your big spoon and he's little spoon as y'all both fall into a deep 7 hour sleep.

i really hope you guys liked this story. i'm gonna try to do more :)

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