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Person in London POV

I stared blankly ahead. Where was Emilia? I was almost certain that she would come. Although we had broken up a week ago, when I had texted her the day before, she seemed quite eager to meet me again, as I was to meet her.

But 3:00 came and passed, and Emilia was still nowhere to be seen.

I sighed. I probably didn't deserve a girl like Emi, anyway.

My gaze drifted to a family nearby, happily chattering and looking around with wide, excited eyes -- they were probably tourists. I had always wished to find myself a family. After a couple more seconds of what I hoped was not creepy staring, I noticed something very peculiar. It was as if they had walked right out of a vogue magazine. They were simply stunning. 

I tried to shift my eyes away before any of them noticed, but my eyes were glued to the happy sight.

"--Speak English, honey, we don't want to attract any attention." The mom was saying to the young girl who looked to be around 10.

"Nah, it's impossible to not attract attention with me and my stunning looks here." The dad smirked and winked, and I found myself scowling. Handsome and arrogant, worst combination.

The toddler who was in the mom's arm giggled and clapped. The mom shifted, and the dad took the toddler from her. "Hey, Soph, where'd you say we were at again?"

"San Francisco. I wanted some clothes for the girls and the baby on the way." I looked down to her stomach, which was, sure enough, a little bloated.

The dad kissed the mom on the forehead. "C'mon, Sophie. Tell me the real reason."

The mom -- Sophie -- bit her lips. "Well... I was hoping to see Amy, because I don't think she remembers us anymore... But it'll be hard finding her. I mean, the Spyball said she'd be somewhere here, but look at all these people!" She gestured around her.


Not remembering?

They were seriously so weird. Maybe they needed a trip to the mental hospital.

The dad wrapped his arms around her with his free hand as Sophie grabbed the 10-year-old's hand. "We'll find her. But hey, is it okay for you to be walking around so much?"

Maybe I should've taken care of Emilia more when I had the chance.

Sophie laughed. "Keefe, I'm pregnant, not sick."

"Mom, dad, can I get some ice cream?" The oldest girl asked.

"Ice cream? There's ice cream?" The dad grinned, looking up. "Char, let's go!"

They took off, and the mom and the toddler remained. "What do you say, Veta? Want to get one too?"

Veta, the toddler, squealed something in a foreign language. Sophie smiled, picking her up again and walked over to where the rest of their family were.

I could distinctly make out what they were doing -- the dad, who seemed to have no common sense, was handing out a hundred bucks to the person who ran the ice cream truck, and the children were asking for literally every flavor of ice cream.

Walked out of a magazine and rich. Wow.

After they got their ice cream, the family walked away, forbidding me to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Even after I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about them. There was a distinct feeling that something about them seemed familiar but not quite...

It was as if trying to remember a dream that you had a long time ago.

And then, a word popped into my brain.


But what did that mean? Elf? It was still June -- way too early to be thinking of Christmas.

Oh well, the perfect family had probably bewitched me.

After all, there were no such thing as elves.

And yep, this really is the end!

Did you expect a little more Sokeefe?

More drama?

Well... Sorry! You'll be getting more of that in my other books.

Yes, books -- plural.

I am thinking of starting another KOTLC fanfiction, but it might not be for a while. 


I want to thank y'all SO MUCH for being there with me on my journey. This is the first book that I have posted to the public, and reading your comments and seeing your votes were truly the best feeling ever.

You are all amazing.

So for the last time,

SilverFox Out

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