Don't Let Her Go

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He saw her.

Sophie Foster.

Right there. Looking gorgeous.

Was this a dream? Surely this was. Why else would she be here looking like an angel? He recognized her immediately. Her beautiful eyes stared back at him, as if daring him to move forward.

He missed her so much.

She had changed. From the cute adoring girl to this... phenomena. She was looking like the hero she was born to be.

God, did she get hotter? She certainly got prettier, no doubt.

It was her. The girl he had missed for seven freaking years. The girl he couldn't save. If only he had acted differently. He was, like his mother had said, a failure. All the things he had done. The words he has spoken. They all led to someone getting hurt.

He regretted everything. His life was a mistake. He shouldn't have felt anything for that girl. There was no way she would feel the same way. He was not rich, he didn't have a good family, and he was just... him.

All these thoughts had gotten stronger over the years, and smirks transformed to frowns and jokes turned into mumbles.

"Finally growing up," his father had said. "Living up to be the Sencen."

But of course, he didn't want to be a Sencen.


But the universe wasn't as marvelous and miraculous as it seemed.

No Foster.

No family.

No jokes.

No him.



In the beginning, they all went through it together. Fitz and Keefe leaned on each other, trying to cling on to the hope that Foster will come back.

But as time passed and Foster still didn't show up, the memory of her started to slip through people's minds like sand slipping through fingertips.

Well, everyone except her close friends and family. Besides, Keefe had photographic memory. There was no way he'd forget about her; she'd meant too much to him.

She still did.

He would wake up each morning with the bright brown eyes in mind, and it would always break his heart, knowing that they would never be his.

The worst thing was that she would be Fitz's.

Everyone knew the Golden Boy should be paired with the Golden Girl. Even Keefe knew that. But his traitorous heart wouldn't let him give up on her.

He hated giving up.

But... when parents get in the picture, these feelings (teenage, untrustworthy feelings according to his father) couldn't get any more unimportant.

Fitz, Keefe, Alden, and Cassius had had a dinner together one evening. Little did he know this dinner would change his life, possibly forever.

It had been six months since Sophie left leaving no trace behind. Keefe's energy had evaporated.

I didn't know she meant so much to you, he had thought, I guess you never realize how much you take things for granted until they're gone.

Fitz, according to Alden, wasn't much good either. He had, once again, trashed his whole room.

"Hey Keefe, how are you doing?" Alden had asked that evening at dinner when Keefe reluctantly came down, being ordered by his father.

Because There Is a FutureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant