Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hi! The current cover is only temporary, so I want to change it to something better. I would love it if you would share some of your masterpieces with me!

Anyway, there are a few options right now. Can you vote for one? That would be the new cover until further notice.

Option One: the current one

Option Two:

This is how I imagine the Hidden Cities

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

This is how I imagine the Hidden Cities.

Option Three:

Keefe and Sophie?!?!

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Keefe and Sophie?!?!

Now, on with the story!

"Veta? What happened?" Sophie asked as she rushed over to her side. Veta stared blankly at Sophie's face as if not recognizing her.

Natt immediately came up by Veta's side, putting a hand on her shoulder. "She's... had a tough day. Can I explain it to you, if you don't mind?"

When Sophie nodded, he continued, "First of all, the human population are in a mess. All the things going on there -- with the problems between countries, new viruses, other problems -- on top of us elves made everything a hundred times more chaotic."

"Which is why they need an organized government." Eve muttered. "Honestly, if this keeps up, they'll end up killing one another before we even show up! Anyways, I had this thing called ice cream and it was heaven. I loved every single bite of it. The way it melts in your mouth, you won't believe it! Hey, when we go back to the Lost Cities, can we have more of it? I'm dying for some right now. I knew elvin snacks were amazing, but ice cream is-"

"Eve, they're trying to have a serious conversation here." Gaun whispered, and guided Eve out of the room.

"Er, so like I was saying," Natt continued, "the humans are ready for a full-on battle. They've got all the strongest military forces in the world ready to go, and on top of that, they have bombs and unbelievable weapons. I hate to admit this, but we underestimated them. We thought we had the advantage because we have abilities and stuff, but they outnumber us by a lot, and they have their whole heart set to it, while us elves are reluctant about fighting. After all, this war wasn't meant to happen."

Because There Is a FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora