Chapter Five

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Social Media was on a roll. 

Videos and photos of Tam (who everyone thought was a magical, handsome man) had been edited all around the world. It was as if he were a literal god. 

All sorts of OMG ISN'T HE ADORABLE! and AAAH I WONDER IF HE HAS A GF... were being commented on the apparently tremendous photos. 

Sophie snorted at the thought. Imagine what Tam would think if he saw this! If her friends saw this! If Keefe...

Sophie shut her thoughts down, trying her best not to think about the blond elf. Thinking about him brought too many hard memories. Things she didn't want to think about right then. 

She knew she had to eventually think about it, and that she was being a stalling jerk right now, but the feelings that came along with those memories were too hard to bear. 

Enough rambling. 

Fin had convinced Sophie last night to go back to the hospital when she was ready last night. And she had felt 'comfortable' the very next day. And, thankfully, her conjuring ability had calmed down over the night. 

Better to do it when you feel like it. 

"Char, come here!" Sophie yelled. 

Charlotte came running. She had her hair tied in pigtails, giving out adorable toddler cuteness. 

"Mama, I don't wanna go to the daycare!" She whined. "I wanna be with you."

Sophie smiled at her. "It's okay, baby. I'll pick you up right after work, okay?"

Charlotte looked down at the floor. "...Okay," she mumbled. Sophie smiled and picked Charlotte up, tickling her stomach. She giggled. 

"You're going to be fine, honey. There's going to be other kids, and you'll make new friends!" Sophie said. 

"But, but..." The smile Charlotte had on the moment ago disappeared. "But, the only pershon who wash ever kind to me ish you. My old mommy and daddy were mean. I'm shcared."

Sophie sighed. "Sweetheart, listen to me. Your old parents were jerks. Not everyone is like that. If anyone says anything -- or does anything -- to you, tell me, and they'll be sorry. Besides, look at Fin! Is he mean?"

The question was met with silence at first. "Um, no, I guesh not. But I shtill don't like him." Charlotte said, crossing her chubby little arms and glaring at the air. "He'sh trying to take you away from me. He wuvs you."

Sophie stared at the little toddler in shock, then burst out laughing. "What? No way, Fin? Char, your imagination amazes me."

Little did Sophie know that Charlotte had mumbled, "I want a good daddy."


"Dr. Hart! Are you feeling alright? Oh, this hospital was in a mess while you were gone!" Nurse Fiona said, realizing Sophie. "Come, there are lots of patients, and we need you!"

Sophie followed her down the hall, pulling on her white robes. She had just dropped Charlotte off at the daycare, and she looked remotely happy about it. 

"Hart! Glad you're feeling better." Fin said, lazily walking towards them. 

"Dr. Ashford, I advise you go treat the other patients, and not socialize with other doctors." Nurse Chin said, shooting Fin a nasty glare. He put his hands up, backing up. 

"Okay, okay, oh course, Fi!" He winked at her. Sophie heard Nurse Chin grit her teeth, mumbling a colorful assortment of words. 

"Don't call me Fi!" She burst out, her long black hair swishing. "It's Fiona!"

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