Chapter Two

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Another day. 

Another patient.

Another life. 

Another death.

This world, it seemed, could not wait.  

The wind howled at Emma -- or Sophie -- and she rubbed her hands to her ears. December was her favorite month of the year, and yet it was the most painful. Her ears froze until Sophie was sure her ears were going to fall off. 

But today, something else was coming in her ears. At first, she blamed it in the bitterness of the weather, but soon it became unignorably loud. It sounded like someone crying. A toddler crying. 

Her eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find the source of this sound, and it locked on a girl bawling in the middle of the street. She had dirty blond hair, and looked around two. Despite the coldness December brought, she was only wearing an undershirt with ripped leggings. Neither of her parents, if she had any, were to be seen. People side-eyed her, but they walked past without another glance. 

Sophie rushed over to the girl and crouched down. 

"Hi, sweetheart. I'm Soph- er, Emma." Sophie said. The girl looked up at her, shivering, and then she realized she was being talked to. Her crying got louder. "Come on, it's freezing out here. And you must be freezing." 

The girl kicked and punched Sophie, obviously cautious of the new person, but eventually gave in, although reluctantly. Sophie wrapped her up with her jacket and carried her inside the hospital. 

"Hiya Hart!" Her colleague, Fin Ashford, said, peeking his head out from the staff room. He had long, curly brown hair which was always tied in the back. His green, green eyes were very pretty, although it took a while for Sophie to admit this. She always liked to tease him that he looked like the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and he would tell her that he didn't mind because then Sophie could be the Beauty.

 "Ya hungry? I've got some- uh, who's that?"

He walked over to Sophie and looked at the toddler. "She was out all alone, shivering." She replied, almost breathless. "C'mon, Ash, you coming to help or not?"

"I dunt need aby helb!" The child said, and Sophie was glad to see a bit of color returning to her pale face. Her jacket was doing its job. "I wanna go hobe." A single tear trickled down her face. 

"Honey, do you know where your mommy or daddy is?" Sophie asked. "Because I don't know where you live."

 The toddler looked confused for a moment. "I dunt no. They lebt me, shaying shomething abut bot needing be." 

Sophie glanced at Fin. "They left you?"

"Yesh." The girl looked at Fin. "Can I go hobe now?"

Fin scratched his neck. "Hey, do you have a name? Because it seems like you're gonna be stuck with us."


Her name was Charlotte Gray, age undefined, and her parents had abandoned her. This was all Sophie knew for sure, but she was guessing that Charlotte was an unexpected child for her parents; simply a mistake. She had seen babies abandoned by their parents, still very innocent, but with a confirmed future that they would not have the same life as people with biological parents that actually loved them. 

Sophie stroked Charlotte's short hair. Her soft snores filled the room, and Sophie couldn't help but smile. What would have happened if someone else had found Charlotte before she did?

Charlotte had been given a fresh pair of clothes and had been checked on for diseases and all that jazz. This had required quite a bit of crying. Then, when she finally calmed down, Fin and Sophie took turns giving her food, and then they had injected her with vaccines she was supposed to get a while ago. But, of course, she hadn't because of her awesome family. 

Fin came in the room, his eyebrows furrowed. Sophie stood up and walked out of the room with him, careful not to wake the sleeping toddler. 

"What were her results?" Sophie asked. 

"Malnutrition." Fin replied. "But this was all, Hart. It wasn't anything life-threatening. At least, it's not if she's with us." He smiled. 

"I guess. But it proves her parents weren't giving her the proper nutrient she needs. And toddlers need them the most." Sophie said angrily. 

She didn't know she was crying until Fin reached up and wiped a tear from her eye. "What's this for?" He asked softly. Sophie suddenly became very aware of the tiny space they had in between. 

"I'm just... sad, you know. Charlotte has to go to an orphanage, and grow up without knowing who her parents are." Like me, Sophie added inside her head. 

"Well, you know there were other people who had to do that." Fin said, leaning on the wall. "Sure, this sucks. But life sucks. And there's nothing we can do about it. Look how many people died before us! There are some things that are out of our hands, Hart. Whether we like it or not."

Sophie nodded. 

"But there is another option." Fin smirked. "I'm sure you know what it is, but just not accepting it because of the big meaning it holds."

Sophie did know, actually. Because, no matter how much life sucked, there was always a choice. 

Sophie knew more than anyone how life sucked wondering who your biological parents were. She wanted to spare as many people as she could from having to do so. 

She was going to adopt Charlotte. 

Aww you guys are so sweet! 😌 You read two chapters of this!! 

And, before you go, I want y'all to know that this is a Sokeefe fanfiction. Fin's just a random character I put in this fanfic. 

Something might happen, but trust me, it'll be nothing compared to Sokeefe I'll put eventually. Did I just give away something? 


SilverFox out

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