Chapter Eleven

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Sophie did all. But without Lord Hunkyhair, the laughing was halfhearted at best. Sophie looked around, hoping to get a glimpse of his hair. But he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey." A voice said behind her. Sophie turned, greeted by Fitz's charming smile. 

"Uh... hi. Do you know where Keefe is?" Sophie asked. Fitz frowned.

"No, he could be anywhere. Come on Sophie, let's have some fun!"

Sophie shrugged, but when Fitz offered his hand with a shy little smile, she had no choice but to take it. He led her to where couples were dancing to a slow song.

They danced until their legs got tired, until their voices got scratchy from all the talking. Sophie realized how much she had missed him — someone she could go to, someone who would understand.

"Hey, Sophie?" Fitz traced his hand where Sophie's cognate ring was.

"Yeah?" Sophie whispered. It was really dark outside, so she could only see his eyes.

"Can we be cognates again? I mean, we don't have to if you don't."

Sophie smiled. "I would love to."

Fitz grinned, hugging her tightly. "I'm glad you're back."

Sophie felt herself relax and leaned into his broad chest. "I won't go anywhere, Fitz."

When Sophie pulled away, she could've sworn she saw a pair of cold, ice blue eyes staring at her from the woods. But in a blink of an eye, they were gone. 


Fitz and Sophie spent the rest of the time talking and catching up. Apparently, he had gotten a good job as an Emissary. When Sophie congratulated him, he unimportantly pointed out that although Keefe was his partner in his new career, he was far more successful.

"Oh. Cool." Was all Sophie could make out. Fitz smiled at her. 

"HEY FITZPHIE! COME INSIDE, HOW LONG ARE YOU GUYS GONNA STAY OUT THERE?" A voice screamed. Sophie and Fitz jerked back, looking wildly around for the source of the voice. Biana appeared in front of them with a sideways smirk. Sophie groaned. 

They reluctantly followed Biana inside to the beautiful house. All the guests had gone home, leaving only a few people. It reminded Sophie of when they used to have sleepovers.

She heard muffled talking outside, so she opened the door slightly. She found Keefe and Tam talking, (more like Tam talking in a hushed whisper) and immediately closed the door. But she could still make out what they were saying. 

"...don't be a coward." Tam's voice said. "You can't lose to the old grump." 

"But you know I can't do it. It's too much." This was Keefe's reply. 

"Who cares? Just come in, and I'll be your personal bodyguard. How's that, Hunkyhair?" It was obvious that Tam, the Tam who had always argued with Keefe, was trying to get the real Keefe out. 

Linh came over to Sophie, smiling. When she saw her expression, her soft smile turned into a frown. "Is it Keefe and Tam again?" 

"Yeah, how did you know?" Sophie said. 

"They've been talking a lot lately. It almost seems like... like Tam is the only one Keefe can talk to, which is weird, you know, because they weren't the best of friends when we were younger."

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