Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sophie couldn't think.

Couldn't function.

Didn't know what she was doing, thinking, or where she was going.

She was frantic.

Simply frantic.

To do what she needed to do in fifteen minutes.

She could feel the ghost -- or whatever -- of Oralie trailing behind her, her mouth shut in a thin line.

She was the sacrifice.

She, her mother--

The occurrence of the night eight years ago and the thing that was happening now was connected.

She thought she was a monster when she killed her--


Didn't Veta and Oralie say that it had to be her to kill Fin?

Sophie felt the world around her sway, threatening to collapse as she got back to where her friends were waiting for her.

"Oralie?" Biana whispered. "What?"

"I'm just a thought. I'll be gone after the Sacrifice." Her mother informed, probably not helping with the growing confusion.

Sophie averted her eyes from Fin, who was staring at her as if he knew what would happen. Maybe he was a telepath and knew who would be his official murderer.

"Alright, where's Maruca?" Her voice wavered. "I need her. Now. Keefe, go find her. Tam. Where's Tam? I need--"

She felt her heart being ripped to pieces, stress driving her crazy.

"Shh." Keefe squeezed her hand. "I don't know half the things that's going through your head--"

"And if I explained all of it, then the whole world will end--"

He stepped closer. "No. I'm saying, calm down. Let the amazing Foster brain get to work. Because, no offense, but if you keep this up, you'll die before anything happens."

He smirked, and Sophie found herself trying to calm down.

This boy always knew how to calm her down.

"Alright. But Keefe, I really need you to find Maruca... And Tam."

"We're right here, Sophie. Gosh, are you blind?" An amused voice said, and Sophie reeled around to see Maruca and Tam, both sporting a similar look of anxiety.

"Sorry, it's just that, um, well, guys..." This was getting nowhere. Looking at Keefe's raised eyebrow, Sophie took a deep breath. "We need to get the humans in one spot, and surround them with a force field. Tam, using your telekenisis, you need to get them out of there, after, after the s-sacrifice."

Sophie didn't know what was happening to her. She was meant to be strong. To be a leader. And here, when they needed her the most, she was breaking. Getting out of hand.

Tam and Maruca got to work immediately, and Sophie looked around wildly to see if there was anything else she could possibly do. But Keefe grabbed her hand before she could let her mind wander again.

Cool breezes erupted in her mind again, and she fought to grab onto it, she fought to believe that everything was going to be alright.

"Thanks." She mumbled weakly, and didn't resist when he pulled her into his arms.

"Tell me what to do." He whispered to her. "Anything, Foster, and I swear I will do it."

Sophie pulled away a little to look at him. His ice blue eyes were set determinedly, and Sophie felt her stomach twist.

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