Chapter Fifteen

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Sophie woke up with a scream piercing her ears. 

Her eyes immediately fluttered open, and she saw Fitz looking at her with wide, exasperated eyes. No, he was looking past her. 

It was then when Sophie realized a warm hand was wrapped around her body. She froze. 




The arm quickly pulled back. "Morning." The deep voice said behind her. 

"Morning? I came here to talk to- er, I came here to tell Sophie that breakfast was ready, but the fuck, Keefe. You said- You promised-"

"I never promised anything." Keefe replied in a bored tone. 

Fitz looked like a banshee about to burst. He staked over to them, pushed Sophie away rather harshly, grabbed Keefe by the hem of his shirt and brought him close to his face.

"Don't. You. Dare." Fitz hissed. "If you do, I swear I will kill you."

Keefe shrugged. "Whatever."

Fitz let out a shriek again and dragged Keefe away. Sophie didn't know what to think of that. What in the world had happened to the two best friends?

Sophie decided to follow them. She tiptoed down the hall, careful not to wake anyone. It was still six in the morning. But oh boy, the house was huge. She reached the end of the hall, surrounded by three doors. Sophie pressed her ear on the first one, but silence. She tried the second one and...

"Whoa, Soph. Whatcha doing this early in the morning?" Biana materialized in front of Sophie. "Come on, let's get breakfast ready. We haven't had girl time in ages!"

Sophie glanced at the door which had Fitz and Keefe on the other side. Who knew what they were doing - they could be ripping their guts out for all Sophie knew. 

But the stern looks in Biana's teal eyes made Sophie follow her into the kitchen. 

"So, Soph." Biana said, flashing a smirk. "Did you date anyone in the Forbidden Cities?"

Sophie sighed. Of course, she would ask these types of questions. She got out plants from the fridge. It was yellowish brown. She had seen Edaline use it once when making a porridge, so she was going to do the same. "Nope."

Biana raised her eyebrows, taking something pink out. "Booooooooring. No confessions? No smooching?"

Sophie felt her cheeks get hot. Curse them for giving things again. She mixed the yellowish-brown things with the pink ones. It turned into a weird color.

"You did kiss!! With whom? Was he cute? Why didn't you date him?" Biana had her eyes bright. She dipped her finger in the bowl and licked the thing Sophie was making. "Mmm, you're a nice cook, Sophie."

"Thanks, and yeah, he's cute, I guess. But I didn't like him, not like that. It felt wrong." Sophie confessed. The nuts in the cupboard seemed like it would go well with the gloomy thing. Might as well try it out.

Biana took out something orange from the fridge, chomping it into tiny pieces. She then put them on a warm stove-like thing and heated it up. It turned red. 

"Ohh, I see." Biana frowned. "Is it normal for you to not feel anything when you're kissing? Or like needing to be alone when you're with the guy you're dating?"

"I dunno, I've never dated before. But doesn't that seem weird? Like needing to be alone when you're with the guy who you're supposed to love?" Maybe someone was hurting her. Maybe someone was using her. Well, too bad for them - they didn't know about Sophie, who would kill them for touching Biana in the slightest. 

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