Chapter Twenty-One

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The little group consisted of five people: Sophie, Veta, Veta's colleague Natt (shapeshifter), Eve's boyfriend Gaun (who was also shapeshifter), and Eve, who had insisted on going. She was also the only foreseer. Therefore, their little group had three shapeshifters, one compeller, and one foreseer. 

Gaun had honeybrown hair with dark blue eyes. His light skin was freckled here and there. He was pretty.

As for Natt... He was intimidating. His tall and lean figure was startling enough, but his dark black hair was also playing a huge role. He hardly ever smiled, and constantly glared at people. It made sense why Veta wanted to bring him along to the quest; he would be very good muscle. 

Sophie was a bit surprised by the small size of the group, but Veta said they couldn't risk anything bigger for they would get spotted more easily. Veta looked stunningly regal in her soft blue gown, and Eve looked indescribably flattering in her light pink one. Gaun looked stary-eyed as he looked at Eve. The men had put on a black vest with golden decorations and fancy pants. 

"We always use alicorns for teleportation," Veta explained, "but now that we have you, Sophie, I suppose we won't need them this time."

She grabbed onto Sophie's hand and Eve claimed the other. Gaun held Eve's hand tenderly and Veta rolled her eyes at the gesture. Natt, looking at Veta's reaction, grabbed onto Gaun's hand. 

Veta telepathically sent an image of a forest to Sophie's mind, telling her this was where they needed to go. 

Teleporting five people including herself was going to be a bit tough, but Sophie channeled energy into her legs and took off, running at top speed. The people beside her squealed and flailed, and then a huge crack appeared in the void, and they were sucked away to the Lost Cities. 

"Woah, pretty forest." Eve muttered, squinting her eyes when the place stopped spinning. "Maybe we should hide, we can't press our luck on how long the disguises will hide us."

Veta nodded. "Sophie, Natt, and Gaun, you all should shapeshift now." Veta ordered. "We're going to be traveling to Atlantis."

"So, you're going to use us three for teleportation?" Gaun asked, smirking.

"No," Veta answered, "only you and Natt."

The shapeshifters had decided to transform into unicorns for Sophie's sake. She could currently only transform into a moonlark and a unicorn. Sophie also told the men unicorns were common in the Lost Cities. 

Sophie the unicorn had shiny fur, a slightly lopsided horn, and a soft tail and mane. The men, on the other hand, had transformed into big, intimidating unicorns, and Eve immediately hopped on to Gaun's back. 

Veta looked rather terrified as she approached Natt and climbed onto his back. 

Do we fly? Sophie transmitted to Veta. 

Yes, of course. Veta answered. Sophie gulped. She had only practiced walking, galloping and running, but she had never tried to fly. It's fine, your instincts will hopefully kick in when we jump off the ledge. It's a bit of a risk, you know. Sorry I forgot to warn you.

Sure enough, when Sophie trotted forward, she found that she was on the edge of a cliff. Was she willing to do it? To risk her life?

She could always teleport away if she was on the brink of life and death. 

Ready? Veta transmitted. Sophie nervously pawed the ground. 3, 2, 1, GO! 

Natt and Gaun took off running to the edge. Sophie had to go now. Now. Now. 

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