Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Are you okay?" Veta whispered, her eyebrows furrowing with concern.

Sophie shrugged. Yes, it hurt. But she couldn't cling onto the bitterness forever. "It's fine. I deserved it anyway."

Veta frowned. "If you say so. I'll be here if you need me, okay?" She smiled a little when Sophie nodded. "Good. And now, we need to go to the Sumn."

"The Sumn?" Sophie echoed.

"Yes, I believe that is what it is called. It's a dome-shaped room where Councilors are most of the time. Hopefully we'll get to hear about what is going onto the world currently. Follow me."

Veta took the lead, walking down the path. She took too many turns, and Sophie was stunned that they weren't lost yet. Even Natt seemed confused, despite the fact that he always came to these missions.

Somone passed by, sending the three a puzzled look, but with the silent shake of Veta's head, he looked forward and kept walking.

"We're almost there." Veta informed, turning left again. Sophie could make out voices now. They reached the end of the hall, which arched into a circular space. There was a chandelier lighting up the corridor, but other than that, there was no light. A huge door stood in front of them, sparkling. Next to the door were framed pictures, eleven in total, of the current Councilors, with their names and abilities written out in gold.

"Remember, be quiet and try not to cause too much havoc. The goal here is not to create trouble, but to find out what is going on."

Sophie and Natt nodded. Veta smiled, nodding too, and opened the door. The Councilors were all there, sitting in a U-shaped table, Emery and Bronte in the top of the shape and everyone else scattered everywhere else. Magnificent couches and chairs were everywhere, and above all, there was a huge, crystal light in the top, lighting up the whole room.

Everyone sitting stared at the new visitors.

"Excuse me, Councilors, but I believe you invited us to this meeting today?" Veta announced, raising an eyebrow and looking around the room. The chatter died down. Sophie felt her mind go foggy -- then it was shouting, oh yes, I invited them, of course I did, stupid me for forgetting about it...

Councilor Emery's smile wavered slightly. "Yes, of course... Sorry madam... what is your name again? The problems these days... the important information is flying out of my head."

Every other Councilor seemed just as confused, as silent mutters and whispers were exchanged.

"I am Elise Bain, and these two," she pointed at Sophie and Natt, "are Medies and Fedick."

Why did she allow Sophie to introduce her as Veta to her friends, but went as Elise Bain in here?

"Ah, Bain." Emery muttered. He frowned, but it was quickly replaced by a firm line. "And yes, Medies and Fedick. I've heard of them, of course. Quite popular here due to their constant bickering. I suppose that you, Lady Bain, are responsible of them?"

Sophie remained quiet while Veta nodded. "They are quite a pain in the bottom, sir."

Emery smiled. "I'm sure they are. Now back to business. You three can go sit there, in the corner." He pointed at three chairs near the door. They were the blandest of all the other furniture in the room.

Veta's smile seemed fake as she straightened out her gown and sat down.

"I have a proposal." A deep voice said, and just like that, the meeting started.


"You are dismissed." Councilor Emery concluded, standing up. Everyone else also stood up, chatters filling the air which had been so tense earlier.

Sophie felt numb. Most of the time here, they had been discussing the whereabouts of her. And she was verified as the number one criminal of all time. Imagine what they would do if they found out that the number one criminal was secretly listening to them?

According to them, Sophie possessed powers even they could not imagine, and that she was a monster. All the things she had done to the Neverseen had been a big, fat lie which was simply done for the benefit of the Council so that they would trust her. And now, they were regretting doing so. And the Exile guards had literally peed their pants when they discovered that Sophie Foster's cell was empty.

They then moved on to discuss what they would do when Sophie came back, and they all seemed certain that she would, with her lousy brain and stupidity. It took all the courage in Sophie to remain seated as Medies with a fake smile stuck to her face. They had a couple of options:

1. Hang Sophie up for everyone to see, then burn her alive.

2. Kill her on the spot.

3. Yell at her, then kill her.

4. Shed her skin, poke her eyes out, and do everything they could to make Sophie regret living. Then kill her.

They all seemed to end with Sophie dying in one way or the other. She felt Natt look at her, but all Sophie could do was keep smiling and listen to the conversation. If she didn't, then... Well, let's just say things would be deadly.

The rest of the time was spent discussing the alliances with the other species. Apparently, the Goblin Elf treaty had caused some sort of an uprising on the Goblin's part, and now the Council was scrambling to fix it.

...But that was it.

Nothing on the humans.

Nothing on what Sophie had told her.

Geez, so much on the 'not trusting Sophie Foster' thing.

"Did you not hear us?" Emery barked at Sophie, Natt and Veta. "You are dismissed! Go! Shoo!"

Veta rolled her eyes. "Whatever you wish, Emery."

The tone of her voice was cold. Then, it was as if something had snapped. Emery stared at Veta, his face full of hate and disbelief.

"Veta?" He whispered. "What in God's name are you doing here?"

Veta rolled her eyes, apparently not at all concerned that Emery found out her true name. How, Sophie didn't know. Whatever the reason, they seemed to know each other well.

"Finally, took you long enough." Veta snapped. "Darling, I am sooo happy to see you too, and it seems like you are, too." She smirked.

Emery's face was stone and cold. "Get. Out."

"Oh no, not again." Veta said, her voice laced with annoyance. "Not kicking me out again, are you?"

Emery gritted his teeth. "I have no patience of this -- of you anymore."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Council and Sophie were staring at the two people like an intense tennis match. Natt alone seemed unconcerned by this. He was staring at his arms, which was starting to get bigger and longer, like his actual self.

Wait, what?

Sophie looked at her hands. They were shrinking. She touched her hair, bringing it into her view.

It was starting to turn back to blond.

"Veta-" Sophie whispered. She didn't break her stare with Emery.

"Stay out of this." She ordered. "This is family business."

"Family business?" Everyone except Natt and Emery repeated.

"Yes." Veta whispered, looking amused. Emery had gone as white as the sheets. "Emery the one who forced me, us," She emphasized that word for Sophie's benefit, "into hiding."

The wife he felt threatened by.

The one he had gotten rid of for his sake.

"Get out of my city, my sight, and never come back. But first, you need to erase memory of all you lot. Don't leave out the part that we were married, because now we're not. Nothing but strangers."

Veta smiled, her disgust obvious. "Emery is my ex-husband."

Sorry for the late update!

Question: do you want more Sokeefe? I know there hasn't been much...

SilverFox Out

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