Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"So... Basically, what you're telling me is, you guys are the elves us humans are afraid of, and you came here to stop the war?" Fin asked, looking very confused. Sophie couldn't blame him. After all, it wasn't everyday magical species showed up out of nowhere. 

"Please tell me I should have told you any of this." Sophie begged, tugging on her eyelashes. 

"Oh! No, Hart -- wait, Sophie. Argh, I'm going to have the hardest time keeping this straight. Emma Hart. Sophie Foster. Anyways, you've hung out with me and humans for a while -- and didn't do anything to hurt us. That proves that you aren't my enemy, doesn't it?" Fin grinned. 

Sophie smiled at him. "Really? Thank you, Fin."

"Anytime. But did you ask me how I saw the vision? Well, I was hanging out with you and the boy -- remember? -- and suddenly, I just sorta... felt like I was going to sleep. And I heard a voice. It was deep, but a female-voice sorta deep. Anyways, it talked about how there were hidden memories taken away from us, and how there was another species inhabiting the world -- elves. They also said that the elves were planning to attack our world, and that we had to fight back." Fin informed them. 

"Woah, that must've been crazy creepy." Keefe muttered. 

"Consanguineous." Fitz said solemnly.

"Fin, I hope I'm not asking too much, but is it possible for me to meet, you know, the boy who had the vision first?" Sophie asked.

"Oh. Um... Let me see." Fin quickly ran to the counter and got a file out. He flipped the page until his face brightened. "Aha! Yes, I have his contact information all here. Kevin Henderson, age 9."

Sophie grinned at him. "Thank you so much, Fin."

"Mhm! Lemme call him... Shouldn't be longer than a minute..." He mumbled to himself and walked away to the phone.

"So, Foster, are you gonna tell us what we're doing?" Keefe whispered in the Enlightened Language so that Fitz could join too. 

"Every problem can be solved if we trace it back to the beginning. So that's what I'm trying to do."

"Yeah, because that makes so much sense." Fitz snorted. "Sophie, I know you mean well, but I don't get what you're trying to do."

"Great news, Sophie!" Fin said from above, beaming. "Kevin will be here in just a minute!" 

"Awesome!" Sophie said. And sure enough, Kevin was stumbling into the hospital with his mother a little while later.

"Oh, it's you again." Kevin said in a bored voice, looking at Fin.

"What can I say? I missed you, man!" Fin exclaimed, extending his fist for a fist-bump. Kevin, being the mature nine-year-old he was, ignored it. 

"Oh, hi, doc Hart." He said, finally noticing Sophie. "Why aren't you wearing those white clothes?"

"It's because... Well, I only have a few questions. It'll be real quick. Got it, buddy?" Sophie asked the boy. He nodded. "He'll be back soon." She informed his mother, and led him to a private room -- where they had talked first.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" Kevin asked. 

"I wanted to know a little bit more about your vision. Do you still remember that?" Sophie asked.

Kevin looked confused. "Um... Sorta? Only bits and pieces."

Sophie felt her mood plummet to the ground. Maybe this was hopeless after all. "Oh." Was all she managed to say, although it was stupid. 

Kevin smirked. "Maybe a bit of candy will help..."

Sophie ruffled Kevin. "You sneaky kid!" She laughed, handing him a vast assortment of candy. 

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