Chapter One

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Disclaimer: all characters belong to Shannon Messenger

Magnolia Hospital had been very busy since the legendary Emma Hart (as they liked to call it) joined their crew. Before, this place was known for being like a shack, occasionally occupying elder people who wanted someone to talk to. Although there were no hospitals except for this one in this large city, everyone had gone to the Green Water Lake Center, which was a 3 hour drive, for check-ups.

Emma, however, had no intention of becoming the city's, no, the country's greatest doctor. She merely wanted to help people and save them from the terrible fate of death. After all, death was the end to all journey; it could not be undone. 

She walked out of her apartment building (she felt no desire to live in fancy mansions, which she called a waste when its good money could be spent on such great things like helping people in need) with a bagel in hand. Her platinum blond hair was tied in a simple ponytail, and her unusually good style was good enough to attract unwelcome stares from men. After all, her good looks was very unhuman. 

This came as no surprise because, after all, Emma was not human. Emma even wasn't her real name! Because, beneath her smiles and determination to save as much people as humanly possible, there stood a courageous women who once held her head high, for she was, in fact, the very person who sent the Neverseen to Exile. 

And Sophie Foster was her name. 

Hello! Thank you for spending your sweet time even bothering to read the first chapter (I don't even know if this should be considered a chapter -- look how short it is! Don't worry, it will get longer) of this fanfiction! 

Okay, this chapter is boring. But please read the next chapter, hopefully it'll get better!

Now, on with the story! 

SilverFox out 

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