CT: Chapter 4 "Jet Pack Blues"

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"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not human. At least, not in the traditional sense. I was born human, but I guess you can say I got lucky. A power came to me and made me its embodiment." He spits out a stream of water, sits up, and cuts off the water. He stands up and clenches his fist, making the ring glow. The water is ripped from his outfit and hair, becoming a bubble in the air. He points towards the drain and the bubble shoots straight down it. He then steps out the shower and in front of Ryuko who takes a slight step back. "I'm what's known as an Ultimental. I can control time, space, and gravity."

"You better tell me where you're from then, 'cause I ain't never heard of anything like this!"

"Can I show you instead?" He holds a hand out palm facing up. "I've given you no reason to not trust me." Ryuko looks at his hand before taking it. "This is something called memory walking. I'll show you a series of my memories, but you can't go digging. Okay?"

"Got it." They both glow for a second before Ryuko is left alone in a white void. She looks around before the scenery slides into place showing a street full of people all of different colors.

"C'mon Shorty keep up!" Ryuko turns around and sees C walking down the sidewalk towards her.

"Who you calling sho-" He walks right through her making her pale and shiver. She turns around seeing him continue walking. A small girl runs forward walking up to C's side.

"If you slowed down with your stupid long legs!"

"Whatever, Stella, just keep up." A sudden explosion catches their attention making them both turn and see a pillar of black smoke rise into the air. "I do believe that's our cue." C crouches down and the girl hops on his back. He takes off with a rush of air making Ryuko have to hold her arm up to protect her eyes. She stands there for a moment before being dragged along by an invisible force. Once they reach the smoke, it's pretty easy to see the cause. It's a massive twenty foot tall bipedal monster with three eyes, six arms, and absolutely covered in muscles. C stops on top of a building letting the girl hop off before jumping down and kicking the beast in the head. The creature crashes to the ground before getting back up and roaring at C. "Look big guy, we can do this the easy way or my way!" The creature swings a fist down, but C catches it. "Good. I like my way!" The creature swings his arm making C fly away, but he is sent through a portal and crashes into the back of the monster. C throws a chain forward as he bounces off the creature. The chain ties around one of the monsters arms and C smirks as he swings between the beast's legs pulling its arm with him making it flip and slam into the road. The chain unties and C stands with his hands in his coat pockets. "C'mon man, stop tripping." C is hit with a small rock making him look up at the building where it came from. Stella gives him two thumbs down.

"Boo!" The monster looks up and sees her before dragging his arm through the building making it start to crumble. Suddenly everything gains a red tint as C races up towards Stella. Everything but C moves so slowly it's almost impossible to tell it's moving at all. C hops from rubble to rubble until getting to the roof and tapping Stella with a glowing hand. She immediately perks up and looks around. C puts her on his back and jumps above the monster.

"Let's finish this."

"On it!" Stella waves a hand and blue spikes appear before stabbing into the creature. A blue platform appears under C and he gets to the edge before launching himself down towards the creature and slamming it into the ground. He grabs one of the spikes and begins running at full speed dragging the creature with him and leaving a green trail of blood behind them. He throws the creature ahead of himself and closes the distance before punching it further away. He does this again and as he closes the distance one last time he yells and punches forward making the creature explode into blood and viscera. He flips forward before digging his heels into the ground leaving a rut as he stops himself. Stella and he look over the carnage as an arm falls in front of them. C crosses his arms before looking over his shoulder at Stella.

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