六: Entangled

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Jihoon panicked when he woke up to realize- he had overslept. It rarely happened before. Jihoon is a very focused guy, he never forgets to set an alarm or sleeps on it. Maybe because of the running distraction from someone supposedly from a different universe, that morning, he made a mistake. He couldn't even attend class on time, but that wasn't an issue for him. He looked at the bed parallel to his one, several feet away. Junkyu was buried in his plushies. The second day at work, and that boy was already late.

Jihoon got off his bed with a jump. Screw his class, but he can't let Junkyu be late for the job! Hence, he rushed to the said guy's bed, shook him repeatedly while calling his name in a fearful voice.

"Junkyu! Wake up! You're gonna be late! We're already late!"

Junkyu stirred, and then faced the opposite side throwing an unfathomable groan of words in his morning voice.

"Huh!? Kim Junkyu! You can't keep sleeping you need to wake up!"

"....five minutes...." Junkyu requested, showing five lazy fingers. Jihoon closed his eyes, then with a deep sigh, opened them. Junkyu surely knew to test his patience. Jihoon, however, wasn't gonna back off. He pulled the sheets from over Junkyu, in an attempt to let the cold morning air do its job. The pink hoodie Junkyu had on was raised up to his chest, revealing a good portion of his milky white, slender waist. The butter smooth skin on it was a sign that he had never done labour works, and it felt nice to the eyes honestly. Jihoon spaced out for a fraction of a second looking at the tender skin on the sleeping boy; but soon, reality hit him. He shook his head from any weird thought and pulled Junkyu by the arm.

"You moron! You'll lose the job if you don't get up!"

Junkyu frowned, but opened his eyes, squinting them to be precise.

"What!?" He complained. Jihoon rolled his eyes, "Freshen up, we need to leave."

Annoyed, Junkyu looked at the time on his phone, and his eyes widened, "Shit! We're late!"

"No yeah shit." Jihoon said monotonously. But to his delight, Junkyu got up from the pile of plushies in his bed, and rushed to the washroom. Jihoon left a chuckle when Junkyu stumbled twice on his way.

"Such a clumsy human being!"


Jihoon wasn't supposed to wait when Junkyu hastily went to change, he had classes to attend to. He blamed the homely environment in the café, but even his conscious mind knew he wanted to see Junkyu in that simple yet attractive attire again. There were a few more waiters in the same fit but none had shoulders as wide, or waist as tiny, or legs as tall as Junkyu. Jihoon spared a smile when his 'roommate' returned with a loosely tied apron on. He was about to help, but the guy who introduced Junkyu to the café last time was faster.

"Junkyu hyung!" He rushed to the elder one, smiling. Jihoon watched Junkyu turn at the call. Without any explanation, the guy tied the knot tighter, holding Junkyu by the waist.

"Thanks, Jaehyuk-ah!" Junkyu beamed. Jihoon felt a tad bit annoyed, but that vanished as soon as Junkyu noticed him. The latter immediately walked near him, whispering, "What are you doing here? You'll be late."

Jihoon checked the time, then spoke in defeat, "I'm already late, dummy!"

"Okay... So?" Junkyu asked, "At least go and attend the second class on time."

"I still have time for that." Jihoon smirked, "Why don't you serve me first?"

"S-serve you?" Junkyu asked, confused.

"Yeah, you're a waiter, and I'm your customer." Jihoon said, taking a nearby empty table, "Aren't you supposed to ask me what I want?"

Junkyu smiled this time. Handing the wooden menu to Jihoon, he brought out his pretty smile, asking, "Good morning, sir! What would you like to have?"

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