一 : When Bizarre Starts

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When you catch someone evidently 'stealing' your stuff, among the many reactions, two are the most common; one, to scream and gather help, two, to fight and catch them red handed. Park Jihoon, the young boy of 23 was of the second kind. Therefore, when he woke up to some unexpected presence in his room trying to steal his phone, he grabbed the futile hand of the convicted.

Unlike a common resistance or even an attempt to flee, the apparent thief remained still. Jihoon sat up to see the person clearly. It was a boy, probably around his age. Strange enough, the boy was in his night wear. He had a very pretty, kinda aristocratic face. If you meet someone like him on the street, you'd have no idea he would secretly stand in Jihoon's secluded room to steal a damn phone.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room!?" Jihoon asked the obvious. His grip on the boy's wrist was very strong.

"I... Uh... What day is it?" Asked the boy. Jihoon frowned big time. "What do you want? Why did you try to steal my phone!?"

"I was not trying to steal it!!" The boy immediately responded, "I just wanted to see the date."

Jihoon did not buy that. He looked at the door. It was locked. The same way he kept last night. Even the window across from the entrance was shut tight. Weird. There was no other way this boy could have entered inside. The ignorance irritated Jihoon. With a huge frown, he looked at the boy again, "How did you get in?"

"I... Don't know.... I just woke up and I was here... I- I have no idea why!"

Jihoon stared deep in those fluttering eyes, "You think I'm a fool?"

"I'm telling the truth!" The boy insisted "How else would I be here? Your door's still locked."

"What do you want?" Jihoon asked again. The presence of a second boy in his room was stressful, mostly because he had no idea what had happened.

"What day is it?" He asked again. Jihoon took his phone to check, "Wednesday."

"No I meant the date." Said the strange boy.

"Should have said so then." Jihoon said, quite annoyed. However, he fed the boy with the information, "January 25, 2023. Happy now?"

"It's the same date..." The boy mumbled. For once, he looked clueless. Jihoon had long released him, hence he went to sit on the second bed Jihoon owned. In fact, the beds belonged to the landlord. Jihoon's family lived all the way down to Busan. For studies, he came to live in Seoul. He rented a small apartment with two narrow beds, small tables a kitchen and a washroom. He used to have a roommate who recently dropped out of uni, consequently leaving the room. Jihoon was kinda stuck paying full rent by himself. Honestly, he was looking for a second roommate because it was pretty hard for him to bear the expenses alone.

Since the second bed was uselessly empty, Jihoon put his belongings there, among which the thief boy made space to sit on. Jihoon didn't let his guard down. With curious eyes, he faced the other boy.

"Yah, don't you think you should leave? It's evident you can't steal anything from me now that I'm awake." He said. Why he did that without informing the police, he himself didn't know. Maybe it was the innocence on the boy's face, whatever, he'd be happy with the weird kid gone.

"It's embarrassing to say, but I don't know how." Said the boy. Jihoon frowned again, "Huh?"

"I mean, I don't know where I am." Admitted the boy.

"Are you crazy or something??" Jihoon asked in disbelief, "This is Gangnam, Seoul!"

"It is?? Great! That means I'm not far from my house." The boy looked radiant, "Can you help me?"

"How?" Jihoon was quite skeptical.

"Can you send me home??" The boy asked, "I also live in Gangnam! You- you don't have to spend too much! Besides, I'll pay you once I get back home."

"Wait wait wait." Jihoon stopped him, "You want me to provide you with uber fare?" He laughed because it was way sarcastic, "So you came in my room, unannounced, tried to steal my phone; and now you're asking me to send you home?? Do you even hear yourself??"

The boy grabbed his hair, "I know it sounds weird! But trust me, it's not as weird as waking up in a stranger's bed!" He insisted, "Listen, I don't- have anything with me! No money, no phone- if you don't help me, I can't go back home."

Jihoon stared at him for a long time. There was no doubt that this boy had a crack in his skull, probably suffering from some mental disease. Although he still didn't realize how someone could get in his room without a single soul knowing, he couldn't just drive the boy out! Yeah, sure, he didn't trust the said boy one bit, but he was kind. And kindness comes with its prices.

Jihoon sighed, "Fine. Tell me your address, I'll call you an uber." He took his phone to listen to what the boy had to give.

"122, Seolleung street." Uttered the boy, "Lane 183."

Jihoon put down the phone. He had a very, very annoyed frown on his face, "Are you kidding me?? I told you to give me your address."

The boy looked confused, "And I did! What? You want my floor number too? Fine, It's a duplex building, and my room is on the first floor."

"Stop spitting nonsense, okay!?" Jihoon spoke, kinda angry, "You just gave me my own address, dumbass!"

"Huh??" The boy looked equally confused, "No! I know my own address."

"And you think I don't??" Jihoon opened his phone, showing his location to the boy, "Where do you think I live??"

"It's... Here...." Mumbled the boy, "Then by any chance... Do you know my family? We're pretty well known in our neighbourhood. The Kim family. You know? With the industrialist and-"

"You're giving me headache!" Jihoon closed his eyes for a moment, "Listen, I don't know what crap you're trying to feed me with. But you better find your own way home."

"No! Please, I told you-"

"You told me nonsense from the very morning!" Jihoon spoke aloud, "I get it, you need help, but I'm no saint! Go find your own way home."

"How can I-"

"I don't fucking care, okay!?" Snapped Jihoon. He stood up and took the boy's hand, "I have so many things to do! I have no time to deal with a crazy guy like you!"

"I'm not crazy! Please, try to understand. I myself don't know how it happened I-"

"Go tell this to your therapist." Jihoon pulled him, dragging him all the way to his door, "Get out!"

The boy was on the verge of tears, "Please don't do this, I didn't ask for much, just-"

"Tell this to someone else." Jihoon opened his door, pushing the boy outside, "Sorry, but I didn't open charity."

He shut the door at the almost teary eyed boy. Honestly, he felt bad. But he was scared. He wasn't very good at handling people with mental sickness. Besides, the boy would definitely find a way home. Pretty boys like him- everyone would gladly help them. Or not. Maybe someone would try to harm him.

Jihoon shook the thought out of his head. Whatever happens to the boy is most certainly not his business. He had a lot up his sleeves anyway! Therefore, like he usually does, he got to get ready for the morning classes.


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