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chapter six

after eating his breakfast, taeyong made his way out of the kitchen and went to jaehyun's garden. this place suddenly became his comfort place out of the blue.

the island doesn't actually have a huge house, the rooms are separated but each room has their own bathrooms. the kitchen was even separated, that's why taeyong had to leave the room and walk a bit to arrive at the kitchen. the dining was also there. that's why they don't need to go far away just to eat.

just this place being so beautiful.

"aaa!" he suddenly shouted when he felt something in his feet.

there he saw a cute little dog in front of him, the dog was looking up at him and even stood up on her knees, probably wanting to get carried.

"hello there, baby!" his voice suddenly changed into a cute tone.

he suddenly became like this whenever he was seeing a cat or dog, he likes to baby them so much.

"i didn’t see you here last time, do you get lost?" he asked softly as he squished her softly.

"aww..." he whined when the dog even rested her chin on his shoulder when taeyong hugged her.

"that's mine."

taeyong shifted to the tall guy who just arrived at the garden, hands were in his pocket as he walked closer to them. the dog immediately gets excited as jaehyun comes closer.

"it's yours?!" taeyong asked, his eyes widened.

"yeah, i usually let her go around my garden." jaehyun said as he got the dog from him.

"why didn’t i see her last time we stayed here?" he pouted.

"she was inside my room at that time," jaehyun said and put the dog down.

which went to taeyong, the older one cooed and reached her to carry her again.

"why are you even here in my garden?" jaehyun asked curiously as he watched the older one playing with his dog.

"nothing," taeyong said. "this place suddenly became my favorite place." he smiled.

"do you want to give her name?" jaehyun asked.

"she doesn't have a name?!" taeyong asked loudly.

"i'm too busy to give her name!" jaehyun reasoned.

"what the fuck?! jaehyun, it's just a name yet you can't give it to her?!" he hissed.

jaehyun just let out a sigh, he doesn't want to argue with him anymore because taeyong was right. it was just a name yet jaehyun can't give it.

well, he was actually not lying when he said he was too busy. this island was too huge to be saved. that's why jaehyun was trying his best.

"let's name her ruby," taeyong said.

and the dog suddenly barked at it, tail wiggling. the two suddenly looked at her, her eyes were even shining like she really loved her name.

"ruby?" taeyong called.

and the dog barked again, taeyong surprisingly looked at jaehyun who also looked surprised by it. the two suddenly laugh and put the dog down.

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