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I'm clear-headed, we have defeated the enemy, but I did not see that there was one last obstacle in our way. Egan is laughing to himself, and Cilla is ready to kill him if necessary. I hold her off.
"wait. Let's save him first!"
She nods and defuses. I walk over to him, his eyes. I don't even know what color they are anymore. I see his skin. It'snreturned.
Egan, are you alright."
He doesn't answer; I touch his shoulder, and he pushes me off; then, he looks at the sun, and I feel the end is near. Oh no, he's started it. He is going to give in and end it. I use my power to defuse him. His power is unrelenting, never wavering. I use my love force into him; deep down, I hear a voice swirling in Egan's magic. I think I found the man behind the curtain, the voice inEgan; I move that monster down.
Egan lets out, sounding like someone else. I don't step back; I'm not scared of this monster.
"release Egan now, and you can live."
He laughs,
"you know I've been alive for a very long time since the begging of time. This vessel, this person, is the only one willing to do what's nessecarry.
"I've started it. It over. You've lost."
"he wants what I want to end this miserable existence. Sure I am reminded from time to time with visions. I may have been a bit hasty, but it worked out in the end."
I'm shocked he's been inside Egan forever, forming him into this; now, this is what he wanted"
"Egan, you may desire this now. Is there anything else you desire?"
"i-want you-?"
"you can. All you have to do is let me in."
"let me in; I can help."
"no!, -I'm sorry."
I walk to him. He's looking at me, looking puzzled.
"love, feel it. You may deny it, but you feel i. It's good,  is it not."
I kiss him forcing my power into the monster's soul. Be tries to resist and cant. I feel my love he enjoys. He can't deny I erase his existence with my power. He has nowhere to go in the vessel. Then when he knew it was over for him, he was at peace with what I was doing and fell.
Then Egan falls. I catch him before he falls; he's dead. I'm the one who killed him—crying, unable to speak.  Footsteps behind me; looking up, I see Cilla's tears fall down her cheeks.
"wh-" "your eyes."
"sh, my magic will soon be gone. I feel it. I can try to save him with everything I have."
She bends down on her knees and glows for the last time. The brightest I saw from her, I felt sparks in me. Her energy transfers to Egan; I see underneath his pure skin light.
"do CPR, heart quickly now.
I push on his heart fast as my life depends on it. Nothing.
"keep going; my magic is almost spent!"
I keep going
"I'm out. There's nothing left.
I keep pushing. With the last push, his eyes open
"Egan, oh -!"
I quickly hug him; Cilla is crying, touching my shoulders.
"ow, that hurts!?"
"I'm sorry."
I pull away from him to ensure he's alive's looking at me, blinking.
" you are alive."
"of course I am; why wouldn't I."
"what do you mean you don't remember? You didn't remember anything."
"mm, no, not really."
He groans at his stomach; I rub it making sure he doesn't move much.
"Cilla, help me with him. I don't think he can walk."
"on it"
She helps him onto my back; I can carry him if needed.
"what happened? Why are we here? I feel hot; I don't feel my magic. What's going on."
"Listen, Egan, I will tell you everything, not right now, we will find a place to rest, and I promise you, you will know every detail."
He calms down, looking at the sky; I hear him snore; I'm over the moon he's alive.
"were all most there come on."
There's a road nearby; thankfully, cars are constantly passing by. Suns going down, we've almost been out of hope until there's a car that finally stopped.
"thank you; we will pay, I promise,
" no need, hay is that man alright he looks not well."
I look at Egan, still sleeping; I smile, touching his face.
"nope, he's fine. He's just sleeping."
"ok, that's good, so where you wanna go?"
"the clearest inn possible, please."
"we, l you're in luck. It's close."
"perfect again, thank you."
She drives off; it's dark now. I force myself to stay away; the same goes for Cilla. Egan sleeps the whole way on my shoulder. We're in a red truck. All three of us are in the back seat. The lady was a black shirt and curly hair. She was old and had an oltruckuc; it looked anyway.
"we're here, Motel 6. It was pretty cheap. You all good."
'year, thank you. Here's the money."
"nope, you keep it. You need it more than I do."
"thank you, name?"
"it's mary; good luck. Be safe."
"you to bye."
We walk through the entrance, the village opens the door, and the bell rings. We walk through.
"We would like a room, please."
"two or one"
Looking at Cilla, she says.
" two pleas; it's separate."
"all right, it's 35 for each, please."
We hand the man the money in return; he gives us our keys. Me and Egan our downstairs, and Cilla is upstairs.
"cills, let me know if you see anything, ok?
"yea ill keep watch; make sure Egan is ok physically and mentally. Who knows what that creature had been doing to him since he was born".
I feel much in my heart. She's right. That creature has been leading him on down a dark path. I was fortunate I met him when I did.
Our room is down the hall at the end—room 20. We go in. It's pretty clean, with no bugs, food, or blood.
Laying him down, I undresensuringngngethat he's still not hurt. His scars are there. No bleeding. I make sure he isn't dead, checking her heart. Beat, yes, he's still alive. I must wash him. He smells again like ash and smoke. I plastic cup that was in the room I pick it up, filling it with warm water and soap. I grab a towel and sit next to him, washing him. After I'm done, I get up and remake the bed for him without disturbing him. I relay him down, his head on a pillow. I lay with him feeling his chest and face back.
"I miss you so much."
I say to him, falling deep into his aurora and sleep.
Waking and rubbing his chest, I heard a heartbeat and closed my eyes, smiling. I layer there forever until he starts to move. He moans, saying things in his sleep.

"all must die. It's the only way!"
I hear him say this. I'm worried that if I don't wake him up now, hell will fall back into despair.
"Egan, wake up in here."
Rubbing his chest, he moves and opens his eyes.
"Jonah, what happened? I was having the most horrible dream."
"I'm here, Egan. We're safe."
He breathes in and out.
"my power, I feel nothing; what happened? I feel naked defenseless."
"It's gone, Egan. All of our powers are gone.
"what! Why do I need it!"
"no, you don't, Egan. What do you truly want? Just say it."
He avoids my eyes; I look directly at him, waiting for the answer.
"you, always, but my power wha-"
"It's gone. I'm sorry, Egan. I know you needed it to make you powerful, but you have to rely on yourself from now on; you have to."
"How? I'm nothing without it."
"But you are, you still human. I know it's a lot, but if you allow it, I can help you find it, please."
"i-I still want you; I want you to help me- live without my power, please."
I slowly try to kiss him to see if it's still ok, and he allows me the sweetest kiss ever. I pull away, crying lightly; he is too.
"I love you so much; you know that, right?"
"yes, I do too."
I feel his chest. It's beating faster and is alive. I think I will check his chest forever to ensure he's alive.
"I'm sorry about your power, but I had to destroy it to have you, ok."
"ok, ok, -wait, how did you save me?"
"I was like all seven of you in the last known one. I can refuse all magic."
"what, when, how? Try it on me."
As soon as he said he looked depressed, I hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry, I won't bring it anymore. It's causing you pain, and I hate it."
He rubs my face.
"I'm hungry. Is their cereal here? Where even are we"
"We are at a hotel; you stay here. I'll find you some food."
He nods and lies on the bed. I get up and grab the key and head out. Walking towards the cafeteria, I see Cilla.
"Cilla hay"
"hi, how's everything? Is Egan ok?"
He says he wants some cereal, so here I am."
Well, hurry, you don't want him waiting any longer.
We laugh. She's sitting down, looking at her phone, and eating a ham sandwich. I grabbed; s so many cerealschoosehoos from,e I decided to go with honey bunches of oats. I pour milk in and spoon and walk back, closing the door.
I turn, seeing he's gone; I start to panic.
"Egan, where are you."
"in the bathroom, just wait."
I'm still worried I do know if he's alright in there. I breathe, and I try to calm down.
He comes out and smiles. I try to smile.
"what's wrong? Are there enemies here?"
"No, I'm happy you're safe here, food."
He grabs the bowl and scarf it down.
"was it good want more"
"nope- I'm good, thank you."
He hugs me more, latching into me lying down.
"So, you mm, when are we going back to school? If we need a car, I could-"
"no, Egan, no."
I laugh. Even after death, he still hasn't changed.
"we will find a way, ok, together, got it."
He nods, laying on my chest and tubing it.

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