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I'm winning the battle; I feel a high arriving in close. He's on the ground throwing waves of the lake at me, hell, the whole ocean. I'm growing brighter; I defuse it all. I'm so close to him now; one good punch can knock him down. I draw his power out; I feel sad about it. We could have been friends, but this must end. It reminds me of the time he abused me, but it's different this time; I'm in control. I feel his energy in me. I have my high now. I was laughing at nothing. I have my hand, and the clouds disappear from the air. The sun shines on me, and I smile at its beauty. I feel a tug on my shoulder; I turn around. It's him, Jonah. He's saying something. I couldn't hear; I didn't care. I push him away. I feel a voice calling. It wants it to happen. It wants more power and then ends it.
I feel Peter's energy and Alina's are dead. I push their power into me. I feel like I'm going crazy and laughing more.
"fine! If you want it, then here!"
I start the apocalypse.
The earth cracks open, no air to breath, hell the sun will come down destroying everything.
"good job friend you did well I know it was difficult to do but it had to be done"
"yea I know?!"

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