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When I saw Egan in that state, I wanted him to tell me what happened; I could never imagine he killed three people in self-defense. His power is getting more robust; I honestly didn't know if that was a good sign. I wish there were a way to remove it from them, but I know there's little hope. I have to focus on Egan's mental state; he is improving daily. He goes to school each day and comes home each day with me. He's trying each day to scan for the others with his infused powers.
"Egan, get in here, hurry."
He comes in from the deck.
"yea, what's up?"
"Nothing, just don't strain yourself doing that"
"ok, I feel nothing out there. They've concealed themselves, even with my combined powers".
"go slow. We don't want them to know just yet."
"got it"
We continue to study for college and find ourselves jobs. It's tough out here.

During lunch, Egan heard a calling.
"how's class, Egan?"
"Good, easy bit boring always."
"that sucks"
I laugh, and he doe, too; he stops and stands up, looking at the main exit door.
"what's wrong, Egan?"
"I hear two of them there sending me their location. I want to go."
"ok, let's go."
I know I can't stop him. Their magic connects them; it is only a matter of time. I follow Egan into a park close to the college. Where in public open space. I don't think a fight will take place. I see in front of a field two people—one a girl, one a man. The girl had blonde hair with black stripes and blue eyes very bubbly face. She is smirking. The guy was very tall, with short air and had brown eyes. His face looked very manly. He's smirking too. We meet them a van length apart. I engage first, "what do you want?"
They smirked and then began talking.
"We want blood; we know you killed our friend; his name was Cole Andri. You probably don't care to know that when killing him".
"Look, I didn't mean to; anyways, he attacked me with his goons before I knew about the others,
" Egan says.
I nod in agreement to him he does the same. I look at the two strangers; they don't look too pleased.
"enough. I'm tired of this. We came to kill you, and that'd what we're going to do. I see their eyes flicker, one to earth, brown, and the other to pure white light. They run after Egan,
"run! I'll try not to kill them, but we tried, don't worry, I won't die."
I run away from their forest to the east and hide behind a fallen log. I hear fighting has begun. I look back, and Egan is defending himself against huge boulders being thrown the earth cracks open. Steady my balance, I  continue to look. The girl in glowing so bright she threw an energy blast at him. Egan continues to block, growing more brilliant with fire; I can feel his great fire from here. People have seen the fight itself and are taking pictures. I'm worried this is getting out of hand.
"by this rate, he might destroy the world."
"yea, you might be right unless we help him."
I turn around, and I see a man with white-blue eyes. He had a ponytail tied up with his hair. He looked serious, with his manly face, looking at the fight.
"These people have always been crazy, I don't know about the fire dude, but I hope he can be saved."

"he can be saved, and you will help me instead of starring!"

"brave words are coming from a normal human but your right. I will help him. He's hot."

"he's my boyfriend. Now go save him."
He smiles, and his eyes flow white-blue. He runs out, sprinting into the battle; it's lightly raining, the clouds dark and murky. All I see is pure light. Now Egan is growing more, a wave of fire and darkness; I know the earth dude is trying to throw even more boulders at Egan. The boulder gets vaporized by Egan's energy blast. Egan's winning. I think everything they try to throw at him; he shuts down quickly.
The water guy tries to calm Egan's power by throwing water at him and the earth dude. I don't think that's a good idea Egans is getting angrier. Sweating palms, even in the rain, heart beating faster, I have no power to stop this. I want to protect Egan, but I can't.
I hear a scream so loud I look directly at Egan; I flinch as an energy bursts through me. I feel his anger through it. The girl is on the ground looking at Egan; he is looking at her. She starts to get up and run, but a fireball gets thrown at her. She falls; Egan walks toward her; he will kill her. I can't help it. I run out calling his name; he can't hear me in that state; I have to get close to him. I see Egan, what looks like he's absorbing her energy; she looks dead already.
"egan, look at me, look at me, don't please!"
His eyes glow even more.
"EGAN, look at me!"
The world seemed to stop for us; Egan had stopped killing her, his hands out but nothing; his hands shook, and he looked at me finally.
"Jonah, why are you here."
I rub his face, water is still coming down, but his eyes grow even more in the rain.
"didn't worry about that; you did well. Now let's leave, please!"
"We can't. This girl isn't dead yet, and I will save the two guys for later."

"no, let's leave now; the water guy is a friend. He was trying to help you."
I feel his power come again; he can't keep it down anymore; with one hand, he pushes me away.

"no! I'm trying to save us from these crazy people. If I have to kill them, then so be it!"

I feel a surge of energy come out of me, thinking it might save him from himself. I do it again.
"Egan, stand down. You've done well. Now let's leave."
He's resisting so much that he yells at the sky and then drops his head to the ground. Me stepping towards him, I hug him tight. He stands there; I know his power is gone, extinguished.

"thank you, Egan; I know it was tough, and I'm proud of you."
He whimpers in the rain; I rub his cheeks and smile.
"hay, comes on, let's get out of here, hurry."
The water guy runs up; I see Egan's eyes glow again. I rub his chest. It works. He stops.
"the guy fled with the women."
"all right, I can try to teleport all three of us."
"then let's do it.
The guy walks to us. Egan puts his hands on our shoulders, griping a tight hold. He closes his eyes, reopens them up their black eyes, breaths out, and says,
I looked around and were in our house; the sun had appeared over the clouds. Egan has collapsed. I catch him just in time. He's completely knocked out. I carry him over to the bed and lay him and cover him up. The other guy is watching from afar. I get up and walk over to him.
"so what's the plan," I say
"First, he needs to cool off and rest. His energy is off the charts. I honestly don't know how you are still alive?"
"I'm alive because I trust him."
"fine, then we need to track the last one; Lightning, she's naive, but she can be persuaded. I know where she goes to school; I can reach her."
"We met her before at school; she seemed pretty serious about not being friends with us."
"I met her a long time ago. We've got history. I will get her on our side."
"ok, one last thing what happened at the end of the other guy."
"oh, you mean Peter sol? After he felt Egan's power reaching maximum, he ran and adsorbed Alina north in the earth, protecting her"
Oh, so they escaped good; I hope she is well."
"Why, you know there's only one way this has to end."
"no! Egan will not be put in danger again. He was almost lost to me again today."
Silence comes in a few seconds, then he says.
"by the way, I'm Hudson lake," he turns, then walks outside. I walk over to Egan and lie next to him. I was smelling him. He needs a shower. His scent is all wrong, and he's still wet, but his power is still active and is drying him off. I hold him firmly

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