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I wake up seeing Jonah sleeping on my mattress; I feel excellent. Is this what happiness feels like? I like it. It won't last. I now have only one possible path for me, to die before I destroy the world. Jonah is friendly and a good person, but even he can't save me.
I rub his shoulder, and he wakes up and gets up.
"I'm Sorry, sorry, I dozed; see you at school then?"
"yea, see you at school."
He gets up, walks to the door, turns and waves, and leaves. I sit there for a minute. I can't be sad that he's gone, can't I, no? I can't be that lonely. I jump from the bed and head to the window; I see him walking to the bus stop. I feel annoyed, and without thinking, I walk out of my room and outside.
"Jonah, come in. We can go to school together."
He beamed at me; it was annoying. Why did I do that? I can't wait to burn this world.
We re-enter my room. I sit down on the bed he does the same. Calm down, heart. I don't know what you want but keep it down.
"is it all right if I lay here?"
Yeah sure
He does, and I do too. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I don't know what this is; I'm confused. I sleep first.

The School was horrible, the names were thrown at me, casting looks at me, and I felt the urge to end it all. Their screams would make my day. Sadly I thought of Jonah and decided not to do it. We don't have any classes together, so it's only lunch we spend time together. He can talk for so long; I listen and smile. It feels weird to smile publicly. I've always felt the need to hide not just what I am but because of my skin color. I try and hide in plain sight. Sometimes it works, but not always. Jonah has tall, thick black hair, bushy eyebrows, and delicate Caucasian facial features. This a bizarre relationship; I can hold out a bit more. After school, we go for a walk out in the park. One night I decided to show some fire; thankfully, I was there. I couldn't dial it back. He helped when I was struggling.
It's been a month since we became friends; it's nice; I never thought this would happen.
One month later, I'm walking to lunch.
"egan, it's me. You remember me, right?"
God no, why is she here? She's worse than Jonah when talking. She dropped some books in the hallway. I helped her pick some up without a word and moved on.
Did she stalk me here? I ignore her, trying to reach Jonah. I see him sitting down.
I sit down across from him.
"hay egan, how are you?
Good, I say, smiling
The next thing I knew,w the woman sitting next to Jona, II felt my fire stirring; I guess Jonah saw my eyes flickering.
"egan, look at me. It's fine."
I look at her more than I face Jonah. I force myself to smile.

"Is he always like that"
"Usually, he's with me during lunch."
"oh well, I was wondering if egan and I could be friends?"
I couldn't help but laugh. She was more delusional than I thought; I tried to eat the food I had got. She keeps staring at me. I swear her eyes flicker from green to a white glow.
I jump out of the chair.

"what in the world are you, you-"
"sit down. I want peace with you to sit."
I sit down as if nothing happened.
"Now I know what you are, egan; you are pure flame and destruction for now; the world is safe."
I'm furious I feel the heat coming. All I have to do is push; I can destroy anything. Jonah touches my hand shocked; I look at him. Smiling, he nods. I calm down and extinguish the flame.
"Now, back to what I was saying, you are the last to come. Your smell in this building in the air; when you helped with my books, I did feel threatened by your power in a one v one; you would probably kill me."
I smirk at that fact; oh, I wish I could fight her.
"the others may feel threatened by your power. If they make contact stand down, please none of us has to die. We all can live side by side".

"enough. I heard more than enough. I got to play nice, no fighting".

"Good because if you choose to fight, I will not hold back then; my friends are dear to me, so I'm warning you."

Silence fell; she got up and walked away; Jonah looked at me with worried eyes.
"what" Well, what are you going to do."
"I haven't decided. If they engage with violence, there's only one way to end it."
"Please don't. I don't want to see you get hurt."
"it wouldn't be the first time, but ill try not to cause chaos."
He smiles. I like when he looks at peace. We decide to take a walk outside.

Soothing fire Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ