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I'm getting agitated; I should be out there seeking the rest, knowing their intention. I never thought of exposing Myself, but if they do, I can't. I'm thinking about telling Jonah we should seek them out.
"Jonah, you think we should seek them out."
"no? but they're exposing themselves. I saw it on tv. Lighting and earth were battling"
"no!" I don't want you near them. They're dangerous. They might anger you, and i-"
"ok, o,k I won't."
I hug him, and he does too. He kisses my forehead.

The next day after I saw the two brutes who attacked me constantly, I followed them. I found them walking in a back alley. I will be damn; it's one of them. A white man, Looked like a goth and a rock star. Heavy backup, all ripped clothes. Piercings littered his face. He looked up and smelled the air. He immediately shoots a black ball of energy at me, hiding behind a trash can. I step away from the trash can, ready to fight. The two henchmen come at me with their fists, getting better at fighting in infusing energy into a shockwave. Powerful shock rippled through the area hitting the two men when they were about to land a hit on me; then,
The two men were knocked back, hitting the brick wall. I hear their skulls crack. I gasped at the sound of the most horrible sound I'd heard. I'm unable to process what happened. The main dude keeps throwing energy at me. I block with my force field. I charge at him, still with my shield, readying my infused energy fist. I make contact and hit him in his stomach. I wasn't expecting what I felt. I went through him, feeling the slit breeze. I'm scared I jump back, pulling my hand back. There's blood all over im sick. I wish I had never followed those two men. The man's eyes turn black than brown. His power comes out of him with black milky black energy and enters me. I feel his power swirling in me. I get high off it. I test it out; I mix the two in my hands, orange and black growing more. I release it, and it explodesdes high above the building. I feel the blast of power.
I look at my hand, and my high stops. I'm back to reality; I killed three people here; I must tell Jonah. I close my eyes, thinking of him.
"Jonah "
I reopen my eyes, seeing Jonah watching tv in our apartment.
He looks at me with horror as he runs to me. He leads me to the bathroom. And he was washing me off.
"I killed them, the two guys who used to beat me up; I didn't want to; I just wanted to see where they were going. I saw one of my kind. I killed him too."
I grab my head and ears. I can't get those sounds and images out of my mind. I'm losing it. I don't know what's next. Will he leave me because I'm a killer? I wish I never had this power, to begin with. I'm shaking. I look into the mirror. They're flickering back from pure black and brown and orange. I don't even know who I am anymore. I start to chuckle, then, all of a sudden, Jonah slaps me. I look at him, shocked. My mind only focused on what he just did.
"Wha-?!" j say
"ahh, forget about it. You're not a monster. You didn't follow them to kill them, right?"
"They made their choice; you defended yourself." your not a monster hour a victim ok, believe me?!"
I'm shocked he's still looking at me, rubbing my face and leaning in his chest. I feel my energy coming and going away; I'm exhausted, I want to sleep, and I want to forget this day.
"let's go to bed, see what's next tomorrow."
I nod. He leads me to the bed,

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