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Opening my eyes, I see the stranger wake up as well.

"what the hell, man!"
He jumps off the bed and never leaves his eyes on me. I sit up and get out of bed.

"Sorry, I just wanted to get into my bed, and you were shivering. I helped you."

" you know what? It's fine; I have to get going anyways. See you, hopefully never."
He opens the door and walks out. I'm still processing it all, and what I think I saw in the woods, I decided to get ready for school.
I'm in school; the school was boring. It's been two weeks since I met that man; I can't seem to forget him. I'm studying meteorology. It looks like a challenging job market I know I can do it. I'm sitting eating lunch when I see the two hooded men from the woods. They head toward the bathrooms; I decide to follow them. I might see that man again.
I'm near the restroom; I slip in. It's happening again they found the man again, he was washing his hands he looked and saw them. The pursuers ran to him. The target did something incredible. In a split second, he sent a shock wave of heat into the bathroom mirror, shattered out of all the hot summer days. This has to be the most desirable. The attackers still git him by jabbing him with their short pocket knives. Gasping at the site, I run in to save him. He shoves the two away, and he collapses.

"Here, let me," I say
He looks up and squint's at me. I grab his hand and waist and help him walk out of theirs. We made it a nurse's office, and with it being vacant, I helped him get bandaged up. The attackers jabbed him in the stomach.

"is there anything else you want me to do?"
He looks at me. He looks annoyed.
"Why do you keep bothering me? All this year, I've been protecting myself. Then I met you, and I got hurt."
"it didn't look like it in the woods."
He tries to get up and falls again. There's a mini fridge. I open it, and there's water. I give it to him. Thinking of what I saw, it was terrific. What exactly is he? He's studying me. He looks mad.

"you like the others, huh? One wif of seeing something and wanting more, you humans' weak minds so sad."
I jump back into reality and disagree.
"What! No, yes, I'm interested in what I saw, but I'm also interested in you; I don't even know your name; I didn't even know you were at this school".
He smiles, " oh, you are now, that's sweet; how tragic because, by tomorrow morning, I'm leaving this shit town, racist, rude they all deserve to die."
What he said didn't scare me yea he's probably angry at this place; maybe he needs a shoulder to lean on.

"why didn't we become friends? Yea, it could be fun. What do you say."

He looks at me with the unhappiest eyes ever seen. He looks down. He doesn't know what to do with his hands; he puts them under his thighs.
"ok fine, we can be friends. I don't know what I'm doing to do but fine."

I smile at him, "then it's settled. Do you have a phone?"
*no, I can probably steal one."
"that won't is necessary; where do you live?"
"Isn't this a little too much for a friend?"
"no, this is what friends do. We hang out homes outside and spend time."
He gets a pen and paper and writes down his address. It's so far from where I first saw him. How in the world did he end up around my house?
He looks at me with an eyebrow up.
"I presume you have questions. Ask hurry."
Nervously I ask. "what did you do back there?"
"I'm a pyromancer born with it.
"what's your name."
"egan west"
"I think that's enough. Now my questions.
"you do you want to be my friend? Is it because you want to see what I can do-?"
"no! I also am lonely. I want to help us".
Looking at me, seeing if I was lying, he grunts.
"I guess I'll be seeing you around, friend; you may regret it later, but what the hell.
I smile, he does too, and he walks out, leaving me there looking dumb. I get up and go home, smiling all the way there.

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