14| Spring Festival

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Amanda's POV:

Over the course of the next several months, things seem to calm down, but they were definitely busy. School was great as I got used to Bryan being in most of my classes. Everyone else acts the same, but I don't feel ignored since I've grown closer to Bryan, James, Whitney, and Nick. Plus, Sam and Luke are the best friends a girl could ask for. It makes all the silence and cold shoulders a little easier to bare.

Swim season came to a close with our team winning the region championship. Laura still flashed me hateful looks during every practice and meet while Claudia sat indifferent. I honestly had too much on my mind to even bother addressing it. I guess she's still butthurt that Bryan dismissed her and chose me. She was so desperate! Ugh! My focus now has been on the Spring Festival. My anxiety and nerves spike every time I think about the fact that I'm singing not one, but two solos. Although, I've technically already performed one at the cabins, so that one is less daunting. The other song is a surprise. I smile as I consider the looks on all my friends' faces when I sing my second song.

"Why do you have that goofy smile on your face?" Luke questions. I turn to him and start laughing.

"Busted!" Sam shouts.

"What? Can't a girl be happy?" I inquire. Sam and Luke eye me suspiciously. "Seriously, for the first time, things seem to have fallen into place. I have great friends, my classes are awesome, swim season was great, and I've finally built up enough courage to perform on stage! What could be better?" I announce.

"I didn't hear anything about the supportive and loving boyfriend in that scenario." Bryan states as he walks up behind me. I can feel my face turning fifty shades of red. Luke and Sam start laughing hysterically. I gather my composure before rounding to face him.

"Well, no one has asked me to be their girlfriend so there's no boyfriend to mention." I state confidently. Sam and Luke's laughter explodes at my antics.

"Oh! Is that so?" Bryan smiles. "I guess I will have to fix that! Mandy, my darling babygirl, would you please be my girlfriend?" he asks.

"Hhhhmmmm. Let me think about it." I turn on my heels to walk away. Bryan quickly whips me around, places his hands behind my head, and pulls me in for a kiss.

When he finally breaks the kiss, "And what about now?" he whispers leaning his forward to mine.

"Took you long enough to ask. Yes, Bryan, I will be your girlfriend." I respond just above a whisper.

"Would it be too soon to also ask you to prom?" he whispers softly in my ear. I snap my eyes up to his face, examining him closely.

"You want to take me to prom?"

"Of course! I want to take the most beautiful, talented girl to the prom! Plus, she's my girlfriend, so it's sort of understood we would go together. Duh!" he winks and dashes his charming smile.

"Okay." I respond softly, my face frozen in shock.

"It's about time!" Sam exclaims, breaking the silence. We turn to look at her and all burst out laughing.

After a few weeks of mundane school and practice, the excitement is starting to build not only for the Spring Festival, but for prom. Bryan and I, along with Sam and Luke, Whitney and James, and Nick and Claudia are all going together. Turns out Claudia didn't really care for Laura's antics and she and Nick hit it off at the last party. The mayor has pulled out all the stops and secured us a limousine for prom night. But, before I can even begin to focus on that, I have to get through the Senior Spotlight.

"Tonight's the night, babygirl." my mom says as she enters my bedroom. I put the finishing touches on my makeup, which I really only wear when I'm on stage.

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